3937 results found
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… challenging. No one is perfect. Rather than feeling guilty about past mistakes, begin from where you are now - build a … The road ahead: A guidebook for parents of young teens about alco… … How to get back on track after conflict …
Health topics
… this advice may not apply to you. Tell your doctor you care about cost. Ask for drugs that are less expensive but that … pharmacy. That way he or she can provide valuable advice about any potential for drug interactions, side effects, or … Mail-order services can often save you money on large orders. But be sure to use only trusted, reliable pharmacy …
Health topics
… defects. To learn more Doctors are quickly learning more about what happens when people are infected with Zika virus. … Health Organization (WHO) have the most current information about Zika virus. If you plan to travel, you can learn about your risk in the area you're travelling to. Contact: …
Health topics
… tests are used. Your doctor will also ask you questions about your medical history and do a physical examination. … of Low Blood Sugar What Happens You'll keep hearing about how important it is to keep your blood sugar within a … are caused by a genetic problem. You may need genetic testing to diagnose them. This includes maturity onset …
Health topics
… Condition Overview Is this topic for you? This topic is about simple snoring. If you stop breathing, choke, or gasp … during sleep. So if you snore often, talk to your doctor about it. Snoring is more common in men than in women. What … doctor will do a physical examination and ask questions about your medical history. Because a physical examination …
Health topics
… by a doctor. How is colic diagnosed? If you are worried about your baby's crying, see your doctor or talk about it at your baby's next routine checkup. To make sure … your doctor may do a physical examination and ask you about your baby's past health, what comforting techniques …
Health topics
Health topics
… For example, if your child doesn't like to go to bed, talk about something fun that is going to happen the next day. … would expect from a child that age. Should you see a doctor about your child's temper tantrums? Children who still have … help the doctor assess your child's behaviour and decide if testing is needed. Breath-Holding Spells …
Health topics
… growth and development Most children by age 10: Grow about 6 cm (2.5 in.) and gain about 3 kg (7 lb) in a year. Have growth patterns related to … puberty may develop in girls, such as breast buds. Lose about four baby teeth each year. These are replaced by …
Health topics