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3978 results found
Health topics
… a child's growth and development over time. At each of your child's routine checkups, the doctor will measure: Length (height). A baby's length is measured while lying down, from the top of … babies). This is the measurement around the largest part of your baby's head. These measurements are plotted on a graph …
Health topics
… During pregnancy, you may have many questions about your health and potential complications that can occur … issue during pregnancy.  Make sure that you consult with your healthcare professional regularly and discuss any risk … could decrease the amount of blood and oxygen to your baby which could hinder baby’s growth. Very high blood …
Health topics
… tear ducts in babies clear up on their own by the time your child is 6 months old. They usually have no effect on the baby's vision or cause any lasting eye problems. What causes … are draining normally from the eyes. Other tests can help your doctor find out where the blockage is or how it was …
Health topics
… updated August 5, 2013 Prenatal classes can help you and your partner plan for what you can expect - physically and … supports and resources available to new parents Breastfeeding, infant safety, self care and baby care Pregnant people and their partners who attend …
Health topics
… on the spot where the ribs come together. Put the heel of your other hand just above your fingers on the breastbone. (See a picture of hand … a picture of hand placement for chest compressions on a baby .) How do you give chest compressions? Use the heel of …
Health topics
… Can be used right up until birth with no effect on the baby. The mother holds the face mask and breathes in desired … such as morphine, fentanyl Side effects May make baby sleepy. Narcotics given near birth may affect some babies' ability to breastfeed. Due to effect on the baby at birth, narcotics are usually given before the …
Health topics
… pregnancy It can be hard to know if a medicine is safe for your baby. Most medicines are not studied in pregnant women. … as Benadryl) Some over-the-counter cold medicines Talk to your doctor or midwife about any medicines you take. This …
Health topics
… after age 35 are healthy ones. But as you age beyond your mid-30s, some risks do increase. Your doctor or midwife will check you often to catch most … problems, including Down syndrome . The risk of having a baby with certain chromosome problems increases with your
Health topics
… spine (vertebrae) don't form properly around part of the baby's spinal cord. Spina bifida can be mild or severe. The … to have a child with spina bifida. What are the symptoms? Your child's symptoms will depend on how severe the defect … problems that arise. There are many ways you can support your child: Go to all scheduled doctor visits. Help your
Health topics
… Services provided by a midwife A midwife can: Act as your designated most responsible provider in primary care … medical conditions and prescribe medications related to your reproductive and sexual health Deliver your baby in a hospital or out of hospital setting (like your