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3981 results found
Health topics
… If you have questions about how to do these exercises or if your heel pain gets worse, talk to your doctor. How to do exercises for plantar fasciitis … up before and stretching after sports or exercise may make your plantar fascia more flexible and may decrease the …
Health topics
… are no guarantees that a bunion surgery will fully relieve your pain. A regional anesthetic that affects only the foot … what is best. The surgery you get needs to be specific to your bunion. More than one procedure may be done at the same … Research doesn't show which type of surgery is best. Your surgery needs to be specific to your condition. More …
Health topics
… is a tracing of the electrical activity of your heart. It is usually done along with a history and … office, you may be asked to use a portable EKG to record your heart rhythm on a continuous basis. This is referred to … monitoring, 24-hour EKG, or cardiac event monitoring. Your doctor may recommend further tests, including an …
Health topics
… is surgery that joins two or more of the vertebrae in your neck . When these bones are joined together, it's … surgery, the doctor uses bone to make a "bridge" between your vertebrae . This bridge may be strengthened with metal … In most cases, the doctor uses bone from another part of your body or bone that has been donated to a bone bank. But …
Health topics
… times a day, as directed. Always keep a cloth between your skin and the ice pack. Taking pain medicines as prescribed. Immobilizing and protecting your shoulder by wearing a sling as directed. Your doctor will advise you whether you need a sling after …
Health topics
… clots before and after the procedure. This medicine lowers your risk of a stroke. Other medicines to help prevent the … may become dislodged from the heart and cause a stroke. Your doctor will try to decrease this risk by using … reactions are rare. You can get a small area of burn on your skin where the patches are placed. …
Health topics
… on the body. But it most often happens on the palms of your hands or on the soles of your feet. The itching may be worse at night. How is it … itching. Your doctor also will want to watch you and your baby closely. To keep you both as healthy as possible, your
Health topics
… and plan for, which can be overwhelming. You may notice your moods changing often. And when you're pregnant, your body goes through lots of hormone changes, which can … It may help to write down your fears about having a baby or becoming a parent. Share this with someone you …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview If your child has epilepsy , there are many ways to lower his … pads on cribs and beds, and use padded side rails on your older child's bed. But don't use sleep positioners, … to crib sides or slats. They could trap or suffocate your baby. Use car seats and seat belts, and have your child wear …
Health topics
… Overview At each prenatal visit during your first trimester, you'll be weighed and have your blood pressure checked. Your urine may also be checked … As early as weeks 10 to 12, you may be able to hear your baby's heartbeat using a Doppler ultrasound . By the 20th …