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Health topics
… oximeter is a device that checks to see how much oxygen your blood is carrying. Usually a small clip is put on the end of your finger. (Sometimes it's put on your toe or earlobe.) The device shines a light beam through …
Health topics
… you may return home a few days after the completion of your coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) procedure, it may … from the hospital, you will be working to return to your pre-surgical level of activity. You might attend a cardiac rehab program to help you recover and get your strength back. Or your doctor will set goals for you to …
Health topics
… fracture is a break in a small bone on the thumb side of your wrist. This is also called a navicular fracture. Of the eight carpal bones in your wrist, your scaphoid bone is the one most likely to break. It is …
Health topics
… Overview A low-vision evaluation will help you and your doctor find ways to make the best use of your remaining vision. Your doctor will ask questions to find out how your vision …
Health topics
… toenail can have a number of different causes. Cutting your toenail too short or rounding the edge of the nail can … that don't fit well can also cause an ingrown toenail. If your shoes are too tight, they might press the nail into the … into the skin. You can get an ingrown toenail if you hurt your toe, such as stubbing it. This can cause the nail to …
Health topics
… you are sick If you have diabetes, other illnesses can make your blood sugar go up. This can be dangerous. When you're sick with influenza (flu) or another illness, your body releases hormones to fight infection. These … also make it hard for insulin or other medicines to lower your blood sugar. Sick-day guidelines Work with your doctor …
Health topics
… ligament. The MCL is a band of tissue on the inside of your knee. It connects your thigh bone to the bone of your lower leg. The MCL keeps the knee from bending inward. …
Health topics
… surgery ( mastectomy ), you may feel some pain going down your arm. Your shoulder and arm may be stiff and hard to move. You may … basic exercises described here will help you start moving your arm. But be careful not to overdo it. For example, …
Health topics
… Overview Overview Taking good care of your feet is an important part of the daily routine when you … this list of steps for proper foot-washing and foot care in your bathroom. Use warm (not hot) water. Check the water temperature with your wrists, not your feet. Wash all areas of your feet. Pay …
Health topics
… work shifts, it can seem like there's nothing routine about your life. It's more of a chore to manage diabetes under … it can be done. These tips may help. Make a plan. Talk to your doctor, registered dietitian, or diabetes educator. They will help you make a plan for how to manage your shift work. Tell your employer that you have diabetes, …