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Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview Your care provider uses a blood pressure monitor to screen … blood pressure. A blood pressure cuff is wrapped around your bare upper arm. The cuff is then pumped up. The cuff is slowly deflated, and the monitor shows your blood pressure numbers. Either an automatic or manual …
Health topics
… help, and memorize the phone number. Be careful online too. Your online activity may be seen by others. Do not use your personal computer or device to read about this topic. … house, or a library. Making a plan will help provide for your safety and your children's safety. Here are some tips …
Health topics
… with alcohol. Before you drink, consider a few things: Is your diabetes well controlled? Do you know how drinking … high blood pressure, nerve damage, or eye problems from your diabetes? If you take insulin or another medicine for … low blood sugar levels. Too much alcohol can also affect your ability to know your blood sugar is low and to treat …
Health topics
… to other parts of the body. To find out how severe your cancer is, your doctor will classify it by type and stage . Hodgkin is … compared to other cancers. But treatment success depends on your gender, the type of Hodgkin you have, its stage, and …
Health topics
… muscles, which support the back and help you lift with your legs. Lie flat on your stomach with your arms at your sides. Slowly tighten your buttocks …
Health topics
… around the urethra to support it and help it retain urine. Your urethra is the tube that carries urine from the bladder … of mesh tape or tissue through the incisions and under your urethra like a sling or hammock. Then the incisions are closed with stitches. You may go home the same day as your surgery. Or you may stay in the hospital overnight. You …
Health topics
… Basics What are seasonal allergies? Allergies occur when your body's defence system (immune system) overreacts to … pollens, medicine, food, dust, animal dander, and mould. Your allergies are seasonal if you have symptoms just at … Read and follow all instructions on the label. Managing your allergies is an important part of staying healthy. Your …
Health topics
… in completely healthy skin. What are the symptoms? You or your child may have impetigo if you have sores: That begin … That increase in size and number. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor can usually diagnose impetigo just by looking at your or your child's skin. Sometimes your doctor will gently …
Health topics
… strength, and aerobic fitness. Get flexible. Warm up your muscles for 5 to 10 minutes before you stretch them. … aerobic activity such as walking or jogging. Stretch all your major groups of muscles. These include the muscles of your arms, your back, your hips, the front and back of your …
Health topics
… June 1, 2021 A healthy weight is one that contributes to your overall health, well-being and quality of life. It is different for each individual. Your weight is not simply a result of what you eat or how … stress, sleep quality and other factors can also influence your weight. Eating well and being active can benefit your …