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Health topics
… cough. In a costophrenic assist, another person pushes on your rib cage to help you cough. This is done while you are … cough. Use these steps to do a costophrenic assist. Your caregiver places their hands on the lowest part of your rib cage, with their fingers wrapped around your sides …
Health topics
… might try these other ways to relieve stress. Ways to relax your mind Mindfulness-based stress reduction can calm your mind and body to help you cope with illness, pain, and stress. Music therapy can relax your body, improve your mood, and change the pace of your
Health topics
… Overview Overview Kegel exercises make your pelvic floor muscles stronger. These muscles control your urine flow and help hold your pelvic organs in place. Doctors often prescribe Kegels …
Health topics
… or SLE) symptoms. But poor nutrition makes it harder for your body to battle chronic illness. To make sure that you have a healthful, balanced diet, your doctor may oversee your food intake or refer you to a registered dietitian . …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview If your joints hurt when you do an activity, you can do a number of things to help yourself. Use the largest joints or strongest muscles to do things. When you lift a heavy object off the floor, use your hip and knee muscles, not your back. When you carry a …
Health topics
… Program On this page: Overview Overview Your cardiac rehabilitation (rehab) might include an … hospital. The home program can be one part, or phase, of your cardiac rehab. The goals of a home program include: … a smooth transition from hospital to home. Taking care of yourself after you leave the hospital. Getting stronger and …
Health topics
… is a tiny tube that puts pain medicine into an area in your back around your spinal cord. This is called the epidural space. An … Analgesics relieve pain by decreasing pain signals from your surgery site to your brain. They do not affect your
Health topics
… Overview Talking with family members about what you want at your funeral is important. Think about the things you want for your funeral. For example: Do you prefer burial to … and no viewing? What special requirements, if any, does your religion require? Do you want flowers at your funeral …
Health topics
… Active as a Family On this page: Overview Overview Keeping your family healthy and moving can be a struggle. But … helps people feel better. Here are some tips to help get your family away from screens and moving together. Make it fun. Start with something your kids already like. That can be anything from biking to …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview Some things may cause your rosacea to flare up. These are called triggers. Here … you drink and eat. Dry skin. Use a moisturizer to protect your face from dryness. Use skin care products for sensitive … And avoid any products that are abrasive or that irritate your skin. Exercise. Stay as cool as possible when you …