3978 results found
Health topics
… Overview Print this form and fill in Section 1 before your appointment. Complete section 2 at the end of your appointment if you have a health problem that needs … or other substance My reaction Stop here. By the end of your appointment, make sure you have answers to the …
Health topics
… and work on increasing the number of steps you take on your family walks. Register the whole family in a family fun run/walk in your community. If the event is for charity, have your family walk through your neighbourhood to collect …
Health topics
… be used with psoralen. Psoralen is a medicine that makes your skin more sensitive to light. This treatment is called … It can be used by people who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Risks Risks of phototherapy include: Skin cancer. … It can be used by people who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Risks Risks of phototherapy include: Skin cancer. …
Health topics
… You will be offered medicines for pain. What to Expect As your body returns to its non-pregnant condition, there are … you stop bleeding. Using pads makes it easier to monitor your bleeding. You may have cramps similar to menstrual … as you recover: Rest as much as you can. You can return to your normal activities based on how you feel. Ask your …
Health topics
… or her signals. Be calm and supportive. Pay attention to your tone of voice. A person with dementia is still aware of … and may become upset when sensing anger or irritation in your voice. Try eye contact. Try touch to reassure and show … understood than words. Follow the cues you're getting if your attempt to connect seems to upset the person. Stop …
Health topics
… have tobacco use disorder, it's important to find out. Ask yourself the following questions. You may have tobacco use disorder if your answer is "yes" to two or more of them. Are you not able to cut down or control your tobacco use? Or do you constantly wish you could quit? …
Health topics
… replacement therapy (NRT) work equally well. But talk with your doctor about what products might be best for you and … not have to avoid certain beverages. The patch is hidden on your body, so no one will know it's there. Gum, lozenges, … can be a good choice, because: They can get nicotine into your system quickly if you feel stressed or are having …
Health topics
… than the person who died. These feelings may interfere with your ability to take care of your daily responsibilities. They last longer than is usual for others in your social circle or from your cultural background. You may …
Health topics
… that can range from mild to severe. What causes it? As your body ages, the discs between the bones of the spine … tingling, weakness, or an aching, shooting pain in your buttock and leg. How is it diagnosed? Lumbar spondylosis can usually be diagnosed based on your history of symptoms, a physical examination, and …
Health topics
… easily. Rinse often. This can prevent the soap from drying your skin and making the rash worse. Use creek or stream … like Tecnu and Zanfel can help remove the plant's oil from your skin. A hand cleaner, such as Goop, also may help. Wash your pet. If your pet was in an area where poison ivy, oak, …