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… Information Overview The inability to move a part of your body (paralysis) as a result of a tick bite is a rare … caused by the venom secreted from the female tick during feeding. Symptoms usually start 4 to 7 days after a tick … Difficulty swallowing or talking. Most cases occur in children. When these symptoms develop, contact your doctor …
Health topics
… are small or not important. This type of worry disrupts your life most days. Everyone gets worried or anxious at … disorder at any age. But it usually starts when you are a child or teen. Most people with this disorder have felt … healthy meals, and getting good sleep. Mindfulness—focusing on things in the present moment—also can help reduce …
Health topics
… as possible. Movement will increase the spread of venom in your bloodstream. It is important to remove the stinger as … and do not fall asleep with the ice on your skin. When not using ice, keep a cool, wet cloth on the bite or sting for … redness, and swelling. Don't give antihistamines to your child unless you've checked with the doctor first. A spray …
Health topics
… and how often to have them vary from province to province. Your doctor can help you find a cervical cancer screening … you have low estrogen levels after menopause that are causing the cells to change. If you have a high-risk type of … Screening: Finding Health Problems Early HPV: Should My Child Get the Vaccine? Pap Test Citations …
Health topics
… general feeling of illness (malaise). How can you care for yourself? Home treatment for seabather's eruption can help ease your discomfort and prevent other problems. Try the … control itching. Do not use the hydrocortisone cream on children younger than age 2 unless your doctor tells you to. …
Health topics
… cure cancer. But it has risks for serious side effects. Your doctor will recommend radiation therapy if the doctor … Infertility (not being able to become pregnant or father a child). Harm to your lungs or heart. In rare cases, a second cancer caused …
Health topics
… spread but is not harmful. This infection is most common in children. But teens and adults can also get it, often from … genital area. The bumps may become inflamed and turn red as your body fights the virus. People who have a weakened … on the bumps, like cantharidin or potassium hydroxide. Using medicines (liquids or creams), such as those used to …
Health topics
… Regular day routines Implement daytime routines and habits. Your toddler thrives on routine Keep a regular nap schedule, even on weekends (if possible). When your day is very busy and naps are missed, your toddler may … at night and may or may not have a short nap Night waking Children are quick to develop habits, and waking at night to …
Health topics
… You do not follow the treatment plan. You have to follow your therapy routine exactly as your doctor orders, to have … be having seizures, but something other than epilepsy is causing them. Taking antiepileptic drugs when you do not have … be candidates for epilepsy surgery. Others, particularly children, may respond well to a special diet. If drugs do …
Health topics
… measurements are plotted on growth charts to monitor your baby's growth over time. Most babies: Grow about 7.5 cm … your baby's growth. Failure to Thrive Feeding Your Infant Growth and Development, Ages 1 to 12 … your baby's growth. Failure to Thrive Feeding Your Infant Growth and Development, Ages 1 to 12 …