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Health topics
… response that isn't normal. This damages the inside of your small intestine so that it can't do a good job of absorbing nutrients from your food. Celiac disease can lead to anemia or osteoporosis . In children, celiac disease can slow growth and weaken bones. …
Health topics
… the rubella virus, you are at risk for miscarriage. And your baby (fetus) could become infected too. This can cause … something that has the droplets on it and then touching your eyes, nose, or mouth before washing your hands. If you … rest of the body. Adults also may have joint pain. Older children and teens also may have eye pain, a sore throat, …
Health topics
… in adults who experience a divorce or death of a spouse or child. High levels of anxiety Anxiety also is common during … Anxiety can: Make you feel like you are losing control of your emotions. Overwhelming fear is also common. Trigger … thoughts while grieving. Talk to someone. Be open about your feelings. Reach out to a trusted family member or …
Health topics
… prevent tetanus? You can prevent tetanus by getting all of your recommended immunizations (shots). There are three … shot every 10 years. If you never had tetanus shots as a child, or if you're not sure if you had them, you'll need to get 3 tetanus shots in about a 1-year time span. (Your doctor will tell you which shots you will need.) After …
Health topics
… (drops) on its own by the time the baby is 3 months old. If your baby's testicle hasn't dropped by the time he is 6 months of age, your doctor may suggest treatment. What causes it? Doctors … doctor will take care to make the correct diagnosis so your child can get the right treatment. How is an undescended …
Health topics
… chemistry. A birth defect may have only a mild impact on a child's life, or it can have a major effect on quality of … has a certain birth defect. It can't tell you for sure that your baby has a problem. If the test result is "positive," it means that your baby is more likely to have that birth defect. So your …
Health topics
… And you can also use more energy by changing some of your routine activities, such as washing your car yourself … a blower!) Washing windows or floors. Gardening. Pushing a child in a stroller. You can also "sneak" in activity … watch television, get up and change the channels instead of using the remote control. When you choose an exercise …
Health topics
… may be asked to delegate more responsibilities to their children. The number of sessions required varies, depending … families as children may benefit from individual therapy using family therapy concepts. How Well It Works Family … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …
Health topics
… allergies is a series of allergy shots given to reduce your sensitivity to allergens that cause an allergic … skin. Over time, allergy shots can reduce the severity of your reaction to allergens. To treat allergies to insect … Allergy shots are usually recommended if an adult or child has had a severe systemic reaction, especially …
Health topics
… Breastfeeding: Choosing a Breast Pump On this page: Overview … breast pump is a device that allows you to empty milk from your breasts whenever you want to or need to. Then you can … pumps. Some types closely imitate the action of a breastfeeding infant. They can help you maintain your milk …