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Health topics
… During coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery, your surgeon will use a healthy blood vessel from another part of your body to create an alternate route, or bypass, around … from your arm (radial artery) or leg (saphenous vein). Using a chest-wall artery for a graft vessel Besides your …
Health topics
… called dysphagia. It is usually a sign of a problem with your throat or esophagus —the muscular tube that moves food … Laryngoscopy. This test looks at the back of your throat, using either a mirror or a fibre-optic scope. Esophagoscopy … In rare cases, a person who has severe dysphagia may need a feeding tube because he or she is not able to get enough …
Health topics
… or certain chemicals. What are the symptoms? If you or your child has ALL, you may feel weak, tired, or have a fever. Or … like to try. And let your doctor know if you are already using any complementary therapies. They are not meant to …
Health topics
… know what causes Crohn's disease. You may get it because your immune system has an abnormal response to normal … kinds of bacteria and viruses may also play a role in causing the disease. Crohn's disease may run in families. … may need other treatments. These may include liquid feedings (supplemental nutrition) to let the intestines rest …
Health topics
… called a C-section) before, you may be able to deliver your next baby vaginally. This is called vaginal birth after … or by C-section , don't have serious problems from childbirth. If you and your doctor or midwife agree to try a … expect during labour and delivery. How to manage the birth using controlled breathing and emotional and physical …
Health topics
… iron deficiency anemia? Iron deficiency anemia means that your body doesn't have enough iron to make red blood cells . … and whole grains. To help prevent anemia in babies and children, follow recommendations for feeding infants. Make sure that babies and children get …
Health topics
… There is so much to know about the woman's body. And as your body changes with time, you are bound to have questions … Acupressure for Morning Sickness Adenomyosis After Childbirth: Coping and Adjusting After Childbirth: Pelvic … Surgery (Lumpectomy) for Breast Cancer Breastfeeding Breastfeeding After a C-Section Breastfeeding After …
Health topics
… Sometimes it can be hard to figure out exactly what's causing a muscle ache or joint pain. For example, sore muscles … affecting you so you can treat it correctly. Find out about your bone, joint, and muscle symptoms with topics such as: … Necrosis (Osteonecrosis) Avulsion Fracture Back Pain in Children and Teenagers Back Problems and Injuries Back …
Health topics
… noise and aging. Being exposed to everyday noises, such as using a power lawn mower, can lead to hearing loss over many … of hearing loss include muffled hearing and a feeling that your ear is plugged. You may have trouble understanding what … worse. Wonder if you need hearing aids. Think your baby or child may not be hearing well. Watchful waiting Watchful …
Health topics
… pregnant, chances are good that you will be able to deliver your baby through the birth canal (vaginal birth). But there … include: The baby is not in a head-down position close to your due date. You have a problem such as heart disease that … wall than normal, which can lead to severe bleeding after childbirth, and sometimes may require a hysterectomy . What …