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Health topics
… most. Apply heat 2 or 3 times a day for 20 to 30 minutes, using a heating pad, hot shower, or hot pack. Heat seems to … skin. Put a thin towel or pillowcase between the ice and your skin. Try ice massage . Try alternating between heat … moist heat that may help if you have pain and stiffness in your hands or feet. It is especially useful before exercise. …
Health topics
… and mild exercise or stretching. These things may help your neck pain the best. If you have severe pain or your symptoms are getting worse, or if you're getting new symptoms, consider talking to your doctor. Manipulation may not be the right treatment for …
Health topics
… condition. You may feel at times as though you've lost your ability to live your life. Conserving, or saving, your energy means finding ways to do daily activities with …
Health topics
… and remove mild to moderate endometriosis . Instead of using a large incision in the belly, the surgeon inserts a … more small incisions for inserting other surgical tools. If your doctor recommends a laparoscopy, it will be to: View … a hospital stay of 1 day. You probably can return to your normal activities in 1 week, but it may take longer. …
Health topics
… Overview To help control acne, wash your skin once or twice a day. If you have mild acne, you … If this treatment hasn't helped after 3 months, see your doctor. You may need different medicines or … acne You can help prevent acne from getting worse by using these tips. Wash gently. Wash your face once or twice …
Health topics
… live in our intestines and on our skin, usually without causing problems. But if they become resistant to antibiotics, … and are coughing, which is rare. If you are healthy, your chances of getting a VRE infection are very low. Even if you have been exposed to VRE, or have VRE in your body, you are not likely to get an infection. VRE …
Health topics
… flow to the heart. But the procedure is very invasive to your body for two major reasons. It involves making a large cut in your chest to expose your heart and arteries. It requires … are affected. The limited number of small incisions made using MIDCAB makes it hard to treat more than two coronary …
Health topics
… by avoiding things that might cause an asthma attack and using medicines. Asthma treatment should help you achieve … asthma symptoms reduces the risk of future asthma attacks. Your asthma is well controlled if you: Have daytime asthma … be part of your shared goals. Asthma in Children Asthma in Teenagers and Adults Citations …
Health topics
… staying awake or alert when you are supposed to work your shift. You may not be able to sleep during the day, and … do get. Shift work sleep disorder involves a problem with your body's 24-hour internal clock, or circadian rhythm. … such as a clock. Wear earplugs to block sounds. Try using a fan or "white noise" machine. This may be useful if …
Health topics
… to prevent pregnancy. The doctor places the IUD into your uterus. Plastic strings tied to the end of the IUD hang down through the cervix into the vagina. Your doctor may teach you how to check the placement of youryour uterus. The IUD will be carefully guided into place using a very thin tube. You may feel some cramping. When the …