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Health topics
… Information Overview Blood donation means giving some of your blood so that it can be used to help someone else. … hemophilia . If you donate blood before you have surgery, your own blood will be kept for you in case you need a blood transfusion. If you don't need it, your blood may be donated to someone else. Donated blood …
Health topics
… is an inflammation of the hair follicles. Each hair on your body grows out of a tiny pouch called a follicle. You can have folliculitis on any part of your body that has hair. But it is most common on the beard … activities. He or she may do tests to find out what is causing your folliculitis and to make sure you don't have a …
Health topics
… Overview Pain in an SCI can be complicated and confusing. You may feel pain where you have feeling. But you may … it may disappear or bother you only a little. Don't ignore your pain. Talk to your doctor about it. The doctor can help figure out the …
Health topics
… to aid healing. Humour therapy helps you find ways to make yourself (or others) smile and laugh more. When you think of humour therapy, picture clowns in the children's ward of a hospital cheering up sick children. … humour therapy. Always tell your doctor if you are using an alternative therapy or if you are thinking about …
Health topics
… issues with sexual desire, orgasm, or another aspect of your sex life that's causing problems. Sexual problems can be complex. They may be … Together you'll come up with goals you can work toward in your therapy. Sex therapy doesn't involve having sex with or …
Health topics
… to get sick with opportunistic infections . HIV weakens your immune system so it can't fight off these infections. … opportunistic infections is an important part of caring for yourself when you have HIV. Take your HIV medicines as directed. This helps your immune …
Health topics
… of all types to help you stay as independent as possible. Your therapist will help you find which exercises are best … or do yoga. Exercises: Stretch and strengthen muscles. Get your heart and lungs working harder. Help you with your … you do those tasks. And you can learn how to do them while using a cane, a walker, or a wheelchair. Speech therapy MS …
Health topics
… Overview You don't have to abandon all your favourite recipes to eat healthier. Several small changes to your current recipes can often greatly lower the saturated … by adding a fruit, a vegetable, and low-fat or skim milk. Using butter or other fats high in saturated fat Using
Health topics
… important to know the symptoms of trouble breathing. Follow your asthma action plan to know what to do. When you have … or eat. You may have to catch your breath while eating. Using your belly muscles to help you breathe. Your belly … Symptoms of severe trouble breathing: Breathing very fast. Children usually grunt with each breath. When you're short …
Health topics
… movements that can cause pain and other symptoms. Keep your wrists straight or only slightly bent. Avoid activities … from typing or other repetitive activities to stretch your hands and wrists. Avoid doing repetitive movements … hands often. Stop any activities that you think may be causing numbness and pain. If your symptoms improve when you …