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Health topics
… Works Risks Treatment Overview A filling is a material that your dentist uses to fill a cavity after the dentist removes any tooth decay . To fill a tooth, your dentist will numb (freeze) the area, drill out the … Fillings can be made from many types of material. Talk to your dentist about which type would be best for you. Amalgam …
Health topics
… The deep brain stimulator (DBS) is implanted under your skin on your upper chest near your collarbone. A wire … when they are about to have a seizure, turning on the VNS using their hand-held magnet can sometimes prevent the … seizure already in progress. The VNS may also work well in children. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) may be an option for …
Health topics
… Getting Started Getting Started If your plate includes lots of colourful vegetables, your healthy meal is off to a good start. Include a type of … use healthy fats, such as olive or canola oil. Flavour your foods with herbs and lemon instead of salt. Here are a …
Health topics
… if you want to get pregnant in the future or want to keep your uterus. In some cases, it may improve chances of … be used to shrink fibroids and the uterus. This may allow your doctor to use a smaller cut during the surgery. And it … tube and surgical tools are put through small cuts in your belly. In an abdominal myomectomy, the fibroids are …
Health topics
… To Expect You will have a scar that fades with time. If your wound is large, your doctor may need to take a thin sheet of healthy skin … body, such as in some squamous cell carcinomas . Occurs in children. How Well It Works Mohs surgery can be an effective …
Health topics
… go to a health care facility. They may have new rules for your safety. These could include having you wear a cloth … a telehealth visit, which connects you with your doctor using a video app. May have special instructions if you do … allowed. In others, only one healthy visitor is allowed. Children may be limited to having only one adult with them. …
Health topics
… and following safety instructions will greatly reduce your chance of becoming ill with food poisoning . The … by: This tells you the last date that is recommended for using the product while at peak quality. The manufacturer … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …
Health topics
… scarring and to promote healing. You may be able to do this yourself for minor wounds. You'll have to stop any bleeding, … If gloves aren't available, put something else between your hands and the wound. You can use many layers of clean … If you have a water sprayer in your kitchen sink, try using the sprayer to wash the wound. This usually removes …
Health topics
… Overview Here are some ideas for making the most of your intimate time with your partner. Think about what could help you be more comfortable. Share your thoughts with your partner, and come up with solutions …
Health topics
… Overview There is no medical test that can diagnose PTSD. Your doctor will ask you about your symptoms, how long … Traumatic events in your past, including those from childhood. Whether anyone in your family has had a mental … for signs of injury or other medical problems that may be causing your symptoms. Your doctor will also check to see if …