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Health topics
… cause symptoms. You will probably feel fine, even if your blood pressure is too high. You may not know you have … blood pressure. That's why it's important to go to all of your prenatal checkups and get your blood pressure checked. If you have chronic high blood …
Health topics
… with concentration and memory can lead to confusion, losing your train of thought, or forgetting or mixing up words or … down. Making a note helps you get a thought more firmly in your mind. You might want to keep a calendar or notebook … Medical treatment for these other problems may also help your memory. Stay active—mind and body. Keep your mind …
Health topics
… fracture is a break in a small bone on the thumb side of your wrist. This is also called a navicular fracture. Of the eight carpal bones in your wrist, your scaphoid bone is the one most likely to break. It is …
Health topics
… nothing to worry about. But it is a good idea to see your doctor, because fainting could have a serious cause. … consciousness and fall or lie down, more blood can flow to your brain so you wake up again. Most causes of fainting are … things, including stress, pain, fear, coughing, holding your breath, and urinating. Orthostatic hypotension, or a …
Health topics
… Overview Print this form and fill in Section 1 before your appointment. Complete section 2 at the end of your appointment if you have a health problem that needs … Other: What home treatment do I need to add (for example, using a humidifier)? I have concerns about being able to …
Health topics
… menstrual diary is a helpful tool for better understanding your premenstrual symptoms and then deciding how to treat … have full-blown, diagnosable premenstrual syndrome (PMS), your menstrual diary can help you plan ahead for, prevent, and better cope with your premenstrual symptoms. You can plan to take extra good …
Health topics
… Overview Lung function means how well your lungs work. When you have COPD, your lungs can't move as much air in and out as they should. And the more serious your COPD is, the less air your lungs are able to move. …
Health topics
… doctor says. If they often forget to take the medicine, using a pillbox, an alarm, or a pill reminder app may help. … for more information. Consider saving these numbers in your phone. Taking Medicine to Support Your Mental Health Taking Medicines as Prescribed …
Health topics
… by sexually transmitted infections (STIs) . You can lower your risk of STIs by using a condom when you have sex. What are the symptoms? You … How is it diagnosed? You may find a Bartholin gland cyst on your own, or your doctor may notice it during a physical …
Health topics
… bowel obstruction? A bowel obstruction happens when either your small or large intestine is partly or completely … partly blocked, you may have diarrhea. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask you questions about your symptoms, … are removed. Some people may need more treatment, such as using suppositories or enemas , to help with bowel …