681 results found
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… and pain in the jaw. One or both cheeks may look swollen. Fever. Headache, earache, sore throat, and pain when you … you or your child has mumps: Take medicine to help relieve fever or headache, if needed. Follow all instructions on the … heat to protect the skin. Drink extra fluids to help reduce fever and prevent dehydration . Suck on ice chips or …
Health topics
… during sex, or when you urinate. You may also have a fever, more vaginal discharge than usual, or irregular … bowel movements, or when you urinate. You could also have: Fever. More discharge from the vagina than usual, or … and any of the following: A positive home pregnancy test Fever of 38.3°C (101°F) or higher Pain or difficulty …
Health topics
… for signs of infection. These signs may include having a fever or any of these changes at the incision site: A yellow … doctor and you are feeling worse, such as you have a high fever or shaking chills, go to the emergency room for care. … from the incision. Pus draining from the incision. A fever. You have loose stitches, or your incision comes open. …
Health topics
… is sometimes worse when you move. Other symptoms include fever, chills, bloating, and gas. You may also have diarrhea … worse when you move. Pain is the most common symptom. Fever and chills. A bloated feeling, swelling in the belly, … the lower left side. It is sometimes worse when you move. Fever or chills. Nausea and vomiting. Unusual changes in …
Health topics
… Infections you can get from pets include: Cat-scratch fever . This causes swelling and pain in the lymph nodes and … These cause diarrhea, cramping, stomach pain, fever, and vomiting. You can be infected when you handle … bitten or scratched. Salmonellosis . This causes diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps. You can be infected by handling …
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… No Symptoms of infection Do you think you may have a fever? Yes Possible fever No Possible fever Are there red streaks leading away from the area or …
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… No Symptoms of infection Do you think you may have a fever? Yes Possible fever No Possible fever Are there red streaks leading away from the area or …
Health topics
… as chemotherapy or radiation therapy . Recent surgery, high fever, rapid weight loss, or emotional stress. You may have … No Symptoms of infection Do you think you may have a fever? Yes Possible fever No Possible fever Are there red streaks leading away …
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