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2105 results found
Health topics
… Check Your Symptoms Overview Minor fingernail and toenail problems are common. At one time or … on something, causing it to rip. Or they have smashed a finger in a door, leaving blood under the nail. These kinds … appear after minor injuries. They may last for weeks or months. They usually go away on their own. It's common for a …
Health topics
… soles of the feet. Most warts go away on their own within months or years. How do they spread? Warts are spread by … that grows in a spot where you put pressure, such as on a finger or the bottom of the foot, can be painful. How are … your nails or cuticles, as this may spread warts from one finger to another. Symptoms Plantar warts Plantar warts …
Health topics
… tip he learned from a nurse is to prick the side of his finger, instead of the tip. "That way, you're not always … spot and making it sore," he says. Focus on feet About 6 months ago, Andy found that if he took a short walk after … tip he learned from a nurse is to prick the side of his finger, instead of the tip. "That way, you're not always …
Health topics
… eggs, and they travel to the child's intestines. In about a month, the eggs hatch into worms. At night the female worms … If the child scratches, the eggs can cling to the child's fingers and get stuck under the fingernails. The eggs then stick to things the child …
Health topics
… not look exactly the same. They also won't have the same fingerprints. Fraternal siblings Babies that come from … multiple pregnancy, and the risk increases with each extra baby you carry at the same time. Being pregnant with more … 30th week, you may have checkups more often. Eat healthy foods. Choose foods rich in folic acid, iron, and calcium. …
Health topics
… a Good Feed Last updated October 11, 2019 Signs that your baby is feeding well If you are wondering how to tell if your baby is getting enough breast milk, here are some things to look out for: Your baby has a good latch and feeding doesn't hurt. Your baby is …
Health topics
… just harmful when you're pregnant - they can affect your baby's health, too. It’s best not to drink alcohol or smoke … information on why to avoid these risks. Alcohol and your baby The safest choice is not to drink alcohol while … amount of breast milk you produce. Alcohol can affect your baby’s motor development and sleep. It can also decrease the …
Health topics
… in the fluid-filled bag that surrounds and protects your baby. It usually happens when you are in labour or close to … crochet hook. Or it may be a smaller hook attached to the finger of a sterile glove. The hook is used to pull gently … crochet hook. Or it may be a smaller hook attached to the finger of a sterile glove. The hook is used to pull gently …
Health topics
… Effacement and dilatation allow a baby to be born through the birth canal. Effacement means … health professional may check the cervix with his or her fingers to see how much it has effaced and dilated. He or … health professional may check the cervix with his or her fingers to see how much it has effaced and dilated. He or …
Health topics
… controls movement and feeling in your thumb and first three fingers . It doesn't control movement of your little finger. What causes it? Pressure on the median nerve causes … can't work or do other things even after several weeks to months of other treatment. The sooner you start treatment, …