1448 results found
Health topics
… 5, 2019 Too many children die every year from preventable injuries in British Columbia. Many of these happen at home - … a toddler, a pet, a bottle, or on a soft surface. Keep one hand on your baby at all times during diaper changes. Your … Check the temperature of bottles on the inside of your wrist Check bath water temperature by using your elbow Keep …
Health topics
… baby. Picture a line connecting the nipples, and place two fingers or two thumbs on the baby's breastbone just below that line. If you are using your thumbs, use your fingers to encircle the baby's chest and back. Using your … Step 3: Rescue breaths. To do rescue breaths, put one hand on the baby's forehead, and gently tilt the baby's head …
Health topics
… and all supplies very clean. Always wash and rinse your hands thoroughly before inserting or removing lenses. Do not … find an edge of the lens. If you can see the edge, use a finger to slide the lens back over the cornea. If you can't … find an edge of the lens. If you can see the edge, use a finger to slide the lens back over the cornea. If you can't …
Health topics
… anesthesia can be used for many procedures. These include hand or foot surgeries. It may also be used for total joint … by the nerve. This is often used for procedures on the hands, arms, feet, legs, or face. Epidural and spinal … nerve block for some procedures, such as for hand or wrist surgery. How to prepare You will get a list of …
Health topics
… with larger breasts may need to support the breast with a hand to make it easier for the baby to latch - keeping fingers well back from the areola (the coloured part of the … baby off your breast and break the suction, gently place a finger in the corner of your baby's mouth. Here's how to …
Health topics
… the Most of Your Appointment Blisters Finger, Hand, and Wrist Problems, Non-Injury Insect Bites and Stings and …
Health topics
… (such as switches that go on or off when you clap your hands) to make it easier to turn lights on if you have to get up during the night. Install sturdy handrails on stairways. Move items in your cabinets so that … a phone. Or, you can wear a device around your neck or wrist. You push a button that sends a signal for help. Wear …
Health topics
… or to continue rhythmic, repeated movements, such as finger-tapping, writing, or walking. Freezing most often … toward a specific target on the ground. Some people use hand-held laser pointers to create a target. Place a cane or … or to continue rhythmic, repeated movements, such as finger-tapping, writing, or walking. Freezing most often …
Health topics
… When you floss your teeth, use either of these methods. The finger-wrap method : Cut off a piece of floss 45 to 50 cm … the other end around your right middle finger, until your hands are about 5 to 8 cm (2 to 3 in.) apart. The circle … of smoking and second-hand smoke. Learn how to prevent injuries to teeth and what to do in a dental emergency. …
Health topics
… can lead to broken bones (fractures) in the hip, spine, and wrist. These fractures can be disabling and may make it hard … have medical complications such as blood clots, pressure injuries, or pneumonia. The wrist and forearm. Wrist … falls. Use a cane or walker, if you need it. Install handrails on stairways, around your shower or tub area, and …