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1445 results found
Health topics
… other things besides taking HT that you can do to help. The first step is to have a healthy lifestyle. This can reduce … other things besides taking HT that you can do to help. The first step is to have a healthy lifestyle. This can reduce … other things besides taking HT that you can do to help. The first step is to have a healthy lifestyle. This can reduce …
Health topics
… time on the road and away. I've got a farm to run. Oh, at first I was a little bit dazed by what you have to do with … time on the road and away. I've got a farm to run. Oh, at first I was a little bit dazed by what you have to do with … time on the road and away. I've got a farm to run. Oh, at first I was a little bit dazed by what you have to do with …
Health topics
… by banking my own blood ahead of time. But they also said that they will keep looking for blood that my antibodies … I could have avoided if I hadn't banked my blood in the first place. I've decided not to bank my blood before my … I could have avoided if I hadn't banked my blood in the first place. I've decided not to bank my blood before my …
Health topics
… such as losing weight and being more active, are the first steps to get blood sugar under control. But you may … can help me. Jeff, age 48 A few years ago my doctor said I had type 2 diabetes. But I didn't feel any different, … such as losing weight and being more active, are the first steps to get blood sugar under control. But you may …
Health topics
… to feel a little confused, weak, or light-headed when you first wake up or come to. But unless something else is … blood sugar low? Symptoms of low blood sugar may be mild at first but can quickly get worse. Yes Low blood sugar No Low … to feel a little confused, weak, or light-headed when you first wake up or come to. But unless something else is …
Health topics
… chemotherapy used to treat early-stage breast cancer? The first treatment for early-stage breast cancer usually … in the lymph nodes. But my doctor did a gene test and said my risk was high enough that I needed to decide whether … chemotherapy used to treat early-stage breast cancer? The first treatment for early-stage breast cancer usually …
Health topics
… weeks. Breast changes in puberty Breast development is the first sign of female puberty. In most cases, breasts begin … Diseases such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and HIV/AIDS. Long-term alcohol and drug problems. Steroid … weeks. Breast changes in puberty Breast development is the first sign of female puberty. In most cases, breasts begin …
Health topics
… from gas. Charcoal is usually taken after meals or at the first sign of gas discomfort. Gas relief medicines with … from gas. Charcoal is usually taken after meals or at the first sign of gas discomfort. Gas relief medicines with …
Health topics
… and proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are usually tried first to treat GERD and its symptoms. These can be either … and proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are usually tried first to treat GERD and its symptoms. These can be either …
Health topics
… transmitted infections (STIs), such as herpes or HIV/AIDS. But they are not the best way to prevent pregnancy. To … methods of birth control aren't recommended in the first few weeks. Have breast cancer or a history of breast … methods of birth control aren't recommended in the first few weeks. Have breast cancer or a history of breast …