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Health topics
… It may help to schedule a regular date, such as the first day of each month, to check alarms. You can change batteries on the first day of fall or the first day of spring every year. (Or do it when daylight …
Health topics
… other deaths related to sleep: footnote 1 Until your baby's first birthday, put your baby to sleep on their back, not on … smoke during or after your pregnancy. For at least the first 6 months—and for the first year, if you can—have your baby sleep in a crib, …
Health topics
… tell that your baby is healthy. Most women—especially in a first pregnancy—feel their baby move for the first time between 16 and 22 weeks. The movement may feel … tell that your baby is healthy. Most women—especially in a first pregnancy—feel their baby move for the first time …
Health topics
… who is injured is not calm and cannot help. You are afraid to remove the fish hook. If the fish hook is not near an … and you are confident you can remove it, try these steps. First, cut any fishing line, fish, bait, or lure from the … of the hook back out. If the barb is embedded in the skin, first try the string-pull method . If medical help is not …
Health topics
… of nicotine withdrawal are at their worst during the first couple of days or so after you quit. They may last a … . If you can, try to avoid stressful situations when you first stop smoking. If you are like a lot of people who … your doctor about medicines to help you sleep while you are first going through withdrawal. Before going to bed, avoid …
Health topics
… after exposure to spores, though it may take longer. The first symptom may be a small, raised bump that might itch. … after exposure. (But it can take as long as 60 days). At first you may feel like you have influenza (flu), with a … symptoms usually occur within a week after exposure. At first you may have mouth ulcers, a sore throat, trouble …
Health topics
… test depends on the type of abnormalities reported on the first Pap test. If colposcopy confirms abnormal tissue … pregnancy. But the risk of bleeding is greater after the first trimester. Cell changes should be monitored during the … test depends on the type of abnormalities reported on the first Pap test. If colposcopy confirms abnormal tissue …
Health topics
… Allergic reactions do not always occur the first time you are exposed to the dye. For example, if you … life-threatening. Hives can be minor, or they can be the first sign of a life-threatening allergic reaction ( … Allergic reactions do not always occur the first time you are exposed to the dye. For example, if you …
Health topics
… to contract and cramping is most noticeable during the first few days. This is often called after pains. Cramps may … and get smaller. Cramps usually disappear after the first week, however if they are severe, ask your health care …
Health topics
… if you don't have blisters.  What are the symptoms? The first symptoms of cold sores may include a spot that … have no symptoms. You may not get cold sores when you are first infected with the herpes simplex virus (HSV). If cold sores do form when you are first infected, they may be more severe than in later …