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1435 results found
Health topics
… would be most helpful to you? What did you learn from your first experience with cancer that could be useful now? … would be most helpful to you? What did you learn from your first experience with cancer that could be useful now? …
Health topics
… deal with feelings like this. Although it may be hard at first, look for things each day that help you find a new … deal with feelings like this. Although it may be hard at first, look for things each day that help you find a new …
Health topics
… treatment, allergy shots are given once or twice a week. At first, a small amount of allergens is used. The amount of … treatment, allergy shots are given once or twice a week. At first, a small amount of allergens is used. The amount of …
Health topics
… given as shots. They are sometimes called vaccines, or vaccinations. In many cases when you get a vaccine, you get a … right after birth, and many are given throughout a baby's first 23 months. Booster shots (the later doses of any … upper arm, using a special prong device. Immunity after a first-time vaccination is likely to be 3 to 5 years. If you …
Health topics
… What Happens What Increases Your Risk When To Call Examinations and Tests Treatment Overview Prevention Self-Care … off and on for many years. Secondary progressive , which at first follows a relapsing-remitting course and then becomes … relapsing , where the symptoms are progressive at first and are relapsing later. What causes MS? The exact …