1819 results found
Health topics
… vessels, nerves, lungs, and eyes. Burns are defined as first-, second-, third-, or fourth-degree, depending on how … age and how much the child needs to be supervised. At each stage of a child's life, look for burn hazards. Then use … get enough air. You do not feel alert or cannot think clearly. Moderate trouble breathing means: It's hard to talk …
Health topics
… over weeks or months. Fatigue and stiffness are usually early symptoms. Joint symptoms include: Pain, stiffness, and … throughout your life. But it will vary depending on: The stage. RA may be active or in remission (not having … throughout your life. But it will vary depending on: The stage. RA may be active or in remission (not having …
Health topics
… of damage to the inner wall of the uterus during pregnancy, labour, delivery, or a surgical procedure. What are the … of damage to the inner wall of the uterus during pregnancy, labour, delivery, or a surgical procedure. What are the …
Health topics
… the vagina Fluid leaking from the vagina may be a sign that labour is starting. When your bag of waters ( amniotic sac ) … the vagina Fluid leaking from the vagina may be a sign that labour is starting. When your bag of waters ( amniotic sac ) …
Health topics
… gums. Start a few days after birth, and do this until the first teeth come in. Start caring for your child's teeth as soon as you see the first baby (primary) tooth. Brush your child's teeth twice a … Brush your teeth together with your child, and do it in stages. You can also switch roles and let your child lead …
Health topics
… can have risks and side effects. These include infection, early menopause , and pain that in rare cases could last for … during a past pregnancy, such as miscarriage or preterm labour. Problems with the urinary tract or bowels. Depending … during a past pregnancy, such as miscarriage or preterm labour. Problems with the urinary tract or bowels. Depending …
Health topics
… Rh sensitization. In most cases, this isn't a problem the first time you're pregnant. But in future pregnancies, … to make antibodies that can affect the baby. So during your first pregnancy, the baby probably would not be affected. … (such as WinRho). This prevents Rh sensitization in nearly all women who use it. The shots only work for a short …
Health topics
… are getting ready to make and supply milk for your baby. First-trimester changes In the first trimester (weeks 1 to 13): Your breasts may start to … You will probably feel less of the breast tenderness from early pregnancy. The veins in your breasts become more …
Health topics
… may be other reasons a person has a low body temperature.) Early symptoms of hypothermia include shivering (in adults … to feel a little confused, weak, or light-headed when you first wake up or come to. But unless something else is … What Increases Your Risk of Injury? Home Treatment First Aid for Cold Exposure Hypothermia and Cold Temperature …
Health topics
… Overview All children need early and regular dental care. During routine checkups … dentist is recommended within 6 months of when your child's first tooth comes in but no later than your child's first birthday. footnote 1 Some parents may worry about …