2638 results found
Health topics
… common in older adults. But changes caused by aging don't always lead to cataracts. People with a family history of … cause cataracts. But eye changes caused by aging don't always lead to cataracts. Cataracts can also happen after an … is the only way to remove a cataract. The surgery works well and helps people see better. But surgery may not be …
Health topics
… (for example, using a humidifier)? I have concerns about being able to carry out my part of the treatment. Yes ___ No … (for example, using a humidifier)? I have concerns about being able to carry out my part of the treatment. Yes ___ No …
Health topics
… make some simple lifestyle changes, you may improve how well you sleep. This topic will give you some tips on how to do just that. Lots of things affect how well you sleep. You can use a sleep journal to help you … sleep. Changing one or more of your habits may improve how well you sleep. How can you sleep better? Here are some tips …
Health topics
… Don't leave it in for more than a total of 30 hours. How well does it work? How well the sponge works depends on whether you have ever … for birth control? The sponge doesn't prevent pregnancy as well as IUDs or hormonal forms of birth control. It prevents …
Health topics
… 5-year-olds Toddler play Play is one of the most important ways toddlers learn, develop, discover the world. Learn more … to support the use of digital media in positive and safer ways: Minimize screen time for young children, with … of video chatting with loved ones Mitigate the risks by being present and engaged when screens are used, whenever …
Health topics
… when they want power or control over another person. Some ways you can help prevent a child this age from biting … Teaching your child empathy, which is understanding and being sensitive to the feelings of others. Encouraging … when they want power or control over another person. Some ways you can help prevent a child this age from biting …
Health topics
… between 18 and 24 months of age to think in more complex ways, such as recalling events that occurred days earlier. … They often go through a period of clinging to parents and being fearful of strangers. Growth and … between 18 and 24 months of age to think in more complex ways, such as recalling events that occurred days earlier. …
Health topics
… After the birth, you will get to know each other in new ways. You will see each other as parents. If you have one or … know about the limits to "couple time" that parents have. Being a parent puts demands on your time. So make sure to … After the birth, you will get to know each other in new ways. You will see each other as parents. If you have one or …
Health topics
… helping your child learn how their actions affect others. Being sensitive to others' feelings (empathy) is largely a … bullies may need professional counselling to learn healthy ways to interact with people. Bullying … bullies may need professional counselling to learn healthy ways to interact with people. Bullying …
Health topics
… sleep. Suction your baby's nose if he or she can't breathe well enough to eat or sleep. Relieve fever with … your life. A child's first RSV infection, which almost always occurs by age 2, usually is the most severe. Certain … throughout the day and night. Has a poor appetite or is being less active than usual. Has any trouble breathing. …