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Health topics
… What are immunizations? Immunizations help keep you and your child from getting a disease. They contain medicine … can then recognize and fight the disease if you or your child is later exposed to it. Immunizations are also … child immunized. Vaccine Safety Are vaccines safe? Yes. Health Canada and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration …
Health topics
… Visit On this page: Overview Overview Your first prenatal visit will probably be the longest visit you'll have. Your doctor or midwife will take your medical history and do … pregnancies. Any problems with your reproductive organs . Health problems in your family, such as heart disease or …
Health topics
… (rehab) includes a phase that helps you keep the healthy behaviours and habits that you learned in rehab. … because it can help you maintain a heart-healthy lifestyle. Your goals may include: Lowering your risk of future heart problems. Continuing to exercise …
Health topics
… Overview Preventing a relapse When you have schizophrenia, your symptoms can sometimes come back. This is called a … things you can do to help prevent a relapse. Be active in your own recovery. Work with your doctor and take care of … groups are usually run by the members of the group, not health professionals. Find ways to reduce stress in your
Health topics
… time, one of the best ways you can help them is by offering your support and showing you care. Here's how. Be present for them. Make plans to hang out, or invite your friend to go do something. Even if your friend says no, … someone you know talks about suicide, self-harm, a mental health crisis, a substance use crisis, or any other kind of …
Health topics
… Information Overview There are many ways to help your baby who is teething . You can help relieve discomfort by offering your baby safe objects to chew or suck on. Teething rings, … mouth-numbing medicine for children older than age 2. The Health Canada warns that some of these can be dangerous. Do …
Health topics
… are small or not important. This type of worry disrupts your life most days. Everyone gets worried or anxious at … symptoms. Some medicines can cause worry and stress or make your stress worse, such as medicines with amphetamines … How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask about your health and how often you worry or feel anxious. People with …
Health topics
… to die. But it gives you a chance to help. Talking to your friend about suicide doesn't make it more likely to … Talking about it can actually help prevent suicide. If your friend has a plan to harm themself or someone else, … someone you know talks about suicide, self-harm, a mental health crisis, a substance use crisis, or any other kind of …
Health topics
… is inserted under the skin (subdermal) on the inside of your arm. The implant releases the hormone progestin to … In some cases it can be used longer. footnote 1 Talk to your doctor about how long you can use it. Once it is put … can only be inserted by your doctor or another trained health professional. It only takes a few minutes. This can …
Health topics
… are one. But today, more people practice yoga for overall health, including flexibility, stress relief, and physical … cat cow pose , you move from one position to another using your breath to tell you when to switch positions. This pose … out. Caution: If you have neck problems or an injury, keep your neck in the original position in line with your torso …