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Health topics
… typically come on quickly. How severe they are depends on your susceptibility to the toxin, how much contaminated food you ate, how much of the toxin you ingested, and your general health. The condition is typically over in a few days. But …
Health topics
… potassium levels and other electrolyte imbalances . Natural health products that contain a banned substance called … is a tracing of the electrical activity of your heart. It is usually done along with a history and … office, you may be asked to use a portable EKG to record your heart rhythm on a continuous basis. This is referred to …
Health topics
… is surgery that joins two or more of the vertebrae in your neck . When these bones are joined together, it's … surgery, the doctor uses bone to make a "bridge" between your vertebrae . This bridge may be strengthened with metal … with this procedure vary depending on your age and overall health, diagnosis, and type of procedure used. Risks …
Health topics
… the largest tendon in the body. It allows you to rise up on your toes and push off while walking or running. What are … have swelling and bruising. You may not be able to point your foot down or stand on your toes. Some people with … or a tear, most doctors ask questions about your past health and do a physical examination. The examination …
Health topics
… the defect to reinforce the belly wall. Or the edges of healthy tissue may be sewn together. There are many things … should have inguinal hernia repair surgery. For example, is your hernia is incarcerated or strangulated ? And do you … that a hernia needs more than one repair also depends on your age and overall health. Laparoscopic surgery has the …
Health topics
… clots before and after the procedure. This medicine lowers your risk of a stroke. Other medicines to help prevent the … problem, how long it has lasted, and if you have other health problems. footnote 1 , footnote 2 , footnote 3 Risks … may become dislodged from the heart and cause a stroke. Your doctor will try to decrease this risk by using …
Health topics
… to the scents in the material. People who have certain health problems, such as diabetes, may be at extra risk for … may help the person feel more comfortable. Wash and dry your hands well before you begin. You don't have to wear … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …
Health topics
… Information Overview Right after the ostomy surgery, your activities will be restricted to ensure healing. During … are usually fine. If you had an exercise routine, talk to your doctor about when you can restart it. Ask your doctor … absorbed. If you can, use liquid medicines. Tell all your health professionals (doctors and pharmacist) about the type …
Health topics
… of the leg. In a few people, it shifts toward the inside. Your knee joint is a complex hinge that joins the two bones … A feeling of popping, grinding, slipping, or catching in your kneecap when you bend or straighten your leg. A feeling … you have, your doctor will: Ask questions about your past health, your activities, when the pain started, and whether …
Health topics
… that the immune system is attacking the body's own tissues. Your genes may play a role in this. For example, people … in the knees, wrists, or ankles. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will do a physical examination and ask you about your symptoms and past health. For example, the doctor may look for pain and …