1863 results found
Health topics
… next time? Do I take the missed dose right away? What about food and drink? Do I take this medicine with or without food or water? Should I avoid any food or drink when I take it? Should I avoid certain …
Health topics
… two years and beyond. footnote 1 Breast milk is the ideal food for babies. If you are not able to breastfeed your … for your baby. Your baby is ready to start eating solid foods at 6 months of age, which is around the time he or … your doctor thinks your baby might be at risk for a peanut allergy, ask him or her about introducing peanut products. …
Health topics
… said that the blurriness means my blood sugar is too high." Testing and tracking to stay in range Gloria started taking … 10.0 mmol/L after meals). Gloria kept trying. She used a food log to keep track of everything she ate. She tested her blood sugar often to find out what kinds of foods made it spike. "It took me about 6 months to get into …
Health topics
… tied to the sense of taste. If you can't smell the aroma of food, you will likely have trouble tasting food. This could lead to not eating enough and losing … can make you feel sad or depressed, because the aromas of food, flowers, and other things add to the joy of life. Lack …
Health topics
… pop. And don't drink more than one alcohol drink a day. Eat foods high in fibre to help avoid constipation. Don't smoke. … Bladder cancer. Stroke. Spinal cord injury. Medicines and foods that may make urinary incontinence worse include: … much urine leaked. Urinalysis and urine culture Urodynamic testing Urodynamic testing is typically done only if surgery …
Health topics
… and high if you have 7 or more drinks per week. Eating foods high in red and processed meats. And having a diet low … a healthy weight. Be physically active. Eat healthy foods, including vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Avoid … a lighted scope to view part or all of the colon. Genetic testing Colorectal cancer genetic testing can tell you if …
Health topics
… another glucagon shot. Give glucose tablets or quick-sugar food. slide 6 of 6 < Prev Next > slide 6 of 6, Give glucose tablets or quick-sugar food., Give some glucose tablets or quick-sugar food such as hard candy or juice when the person is alert …
Health topics
… am I taking it? Do I have any new allergies to medicines, foods, or other substances? Yes ___ No ___ If yes, fill in … am I taking it? Do I have any new allergies to medicines, foods, or other substances? Yes ___ No ___ If yes, fill in …
Health topics
… page: Health Tools Prenatal Visits and Tests Testing For Birth Defects Health and Nutrition Body Changes … your pregnancy, you may get heartburn or crave certain foods, and you may have aches and pains. You also may enjoy … or midwife Alcohol and drugs Tobacco smoke Sources of foodborne illness that may cause listeriosis or …
Health topics
… (TTE) Transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE) Follow-up testing One of the most important goals of testing is to … 2½ hours a week. Eat a heart-healthy diet. Heart-healthy foods include vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans, lean meat, fish, and whole grains. Limit foods that are not so good for your heart, like sodium, …