1135 results found
Health topics
… lots of the same brand. The form you buy in health food or grocery stores may not be the same as the form used … probiotics, and vitamins. They also include special foods or diets. Ayurveda, homeopathy, naturopathy, and … lots of the same brand. The form you buy in health food or grocery stores may not be the same as the form used …
Health topics
… put your picnic out until you are ready to eat, and repack food as soon as you are finished serving. If you attend an outdoor event, keep away from the food serving areas and trash containers. Avoid scented … put your picnic out until you are ready to eat, and repack food as soon as you are finished serving. If you attend an …
Health topics
… is empty, you've had your liquid for the day. Count any foods that will melt (such as ice cream, gelatin, or flavoured ice treats) or liquid foods (such as soup) as part of your fluids for the day. … is empty, you've had your liquid for the day. Count any foods that will melt (such as ice cream, gelatin, or …
Health topics
… it's okay, find ways to eat more high-calorie, nutritious foods. These foods include: Cheese. Put cheese on crackers or sandwiches, … it's okay, find ways to eat more high-calorie, nutritious foods. These foods include: Cheese. Put cheese on crackers …
Health topics
… include gums that bleed after brushing or after eating hard foods, such as apples. See a dentist regularly. Your dentist … up to date on any new medicines you are taking. Eat healthy foods. Eat a balanced diet that includes whole grains, … out of your mouth, and rinse them to remove any loose food. Use a brush designed for cleaning dentures, or use a …
Health topics
… What can I do? Not have much of an appetite. The thought of food makes you feel nauseated, or you cannot taste anything. … Your appetite will soon be back to normal. Eat healthy foods. Try eating frequent, small meals. Have swelling in … you are not very physically active. Eat more fruits and foods with fibre. Ask your doctor to recommend a laxative. …
Health topics
… given in a vein (intravenous, or I.V.). Fluids and food given through your vein only (no food or drink by mouth) for up to a week. This allows the … you drink. Stay with liquids or start with small amounts of food until you are feeling better. Then you can return to …
Health topics
… Although at first you may not be hungry enough to eat much food, you will need to get all the energy that the food provides as you become more active in the days … a dietitian. A dietitian can help you learn about healthy foods. Anesthesia and appetite Along with putting you to …
Health topics
… health products without talking to your doctor first. Avoid foods that make your symptoms worse. These might include milk, alcohol, high-fibre foods, or spicy foods. It may help to keep a diary of foods that make …
Health topics
… tongue, your neck, or your teeth. Your mouth may be dry, or food may not taste right. You may have bad breath or a sore … swollen, or it may change colour or texture. A buildup of food and bacteria on the tongue may make the tongue look … chewing, or swallowing started suddenly Can you swallow food or fluids at all? Yes Able to swallow food or fluids No …