3927 results found
Health topics
… be to: Have more aerobic capacity. Get stronger. Learn how to monitor your own heart rate and rate your activity … staff members. While you exercise, a health professional tracks your heart rate and rhythm, blood pressure, and … electrocardiogram (ECG, EKG) during this phase to see how your heart is tolerating exercise. Stretching and …
Health topics
… page: How can you break your nose? You can break your nose during … or facial bones. A change in or loss of sense of smell. How is it diagnosed? A broken nose is diagnosed through a … nose treated? Immediately after the fracture, apply ice and keep your head elevated. You may need pain medicine, such as …
Health topics
… The pain may come and go. It may get worse with activity. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask questions about … at the knee and check for tenderness, range of motion , and how stable the knee is. The doctor may check both knees even … knee. Have your child do simple stretches. This will help keep your child's legs flexible. Here are two that may help. …
Health topics
… and less flexibility in your wrists, hands, and ankles. How is lymphedema treated? Treatment focuses on draining … swelling. And using sunscreen can help protect your skin. How can you care for yourself? Lymphedema may develop if you … The following tips may help you avoid lymphedema or keep it under control. Prop up the affected limb. Whenever …
Health topics
… types of leukemia. In general, leukemia is grouped by how fast it gets worse and what kind of white blood cell it … What are the symptoms? Symptoms of acute leukemia depend on how much the cancer has grown. They may include: A new lump … therapy . These medicines target cancer cells. They help keep cancer from growing or spreading. Immunotherapy . This …
Health topics
… Some people with partial tears may not have any symptoms. How are these problems diagnosed? To diagnose Achilles … The examination includes checking for tenderness, watching how you walk and stand, and comparing the range of motion of … boot, or other device may also be used. These devices keep the lower leg and ankle from moving. Rehab follows both …
Health topics
… memory loss, or paralysis. A few people die from it. How is it spread? Most often, mosquitoes spread the virus by … especially if the infection has spread to your brain. How is it diagnosed? If your doctor thinks that you may have … to reduce pain or fever. You may feel well enough to keep doing your normal activities. Ask your doctor if you …
Health topics
… itching, belly pain, and bleeding in the digestive tract. How is it diagnosed? The doctor will examine you and ask … may also talk to you about changing your diet. Certain foods may make symptoms worse. Avoiding harmful medicines … may also talk to you about changing your diet. Certain foods may make symptoms worse. Avoiding harmful medicines …
Health topics
… Overview Overview Use these checklists once a month to see how you are doing to stay safe in case of a vertigo attack. … night-light in the bathroom. ____I store the materials and foods I use the most on lower shelves so that I don't need … stand on chairs. ____I clean up any spills immediately and keep the bathroom floor dry. Checklist for personal …
Health topics
… painful muscle spasms in your neck, arms, legs, and belly. How is it diagnosed? There is no lab test for tetanus. A … make sure your symptoms are not caused by something else. How is tetanus treated? If you are infected with tetanus, … not immune to the disease. You could get infected again. So keep getting routine tetanus shots after you get better. How …