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3927 results found
Health topics
… you consider surgery. Surgery may be right for you if you keep having bad heel pain after 6 to 12 months of home … your ability to work and enjoy exercise or play sports. How is it treated? Non-surgical treatment for plantar … Think about what matters most to you in this decision, and show how you feel about the following statements. Reasons to …
Health topics
… your appointments, and take any medicines as prescribed. Keep your doctor informed about any changes in your health. … whole team. Find out who else is on your treatment team and how they can help you. For example: A nurse practitioner may … common side effects of each treatment? What are the risks? How long will treatment take? Are there costs not covered by …
Health topics
… it is safe to take it home, see if a trusted friend can keep it for you. Plan ahead. Know who you can call for help, … abuse affects all types of teens, regardless of how much money your parents make, what your grades are, how you look or dress, your religion, or your race. Teen …
Health topics
… about and feel good about yourself, and can give you hope. How can you get social support? You may get your social … or find a group of people with the same interests you have. How can you strengthen your social support? Improving your … Know that good friends can be bad friends. If your buddy keeps you drinking when you shouldn't be, you may want to …
Health topics
… 10, 2013 Between 24 and 30 months, toddlers are able to show compassion, but they can also find it hard to share their toys, food or parents' attention. Learn what else you can expect … sharing. Says "no" and "mine." May hit, push, and grab to keep toys Becomes aware of the difference between boys and …
Health topics
… carefully over the years. A study of men ages 65 and older showed that those who have the screening are less likely to … blood pressure, and I'm a smoker. I've heard about AAAs and how people usually die when they burst. It's pretty scary. I … Think about what matters most to you in this decision, and show how you feel about the following statements. Reasons to …
Health topics
… to remember You can't make this decision until you know how high your risk is for ovarian cancer. Your doctor or a … are finished having children. Your decision will depend on how high your risk is. It also depends on your health, your … because I want to do everything I can possibly do to keep from getting the cancer that runs in my family. Amaia, …
Health topics
… a baby sleep through the night. Babies don't need solid foods until they are about 6 months old. Put your baby down … upset, your newborn will feed and go back to sleep easier. Keep the light off during nighttime feedings, and use a soft … of frustration. Be consistent. If you change your plan for how to handle nighttime crying, make sure that other people …
Health topics
… problems. But it also is seen in teenagers who want to show off their ability to burp loudly. The following tips can … when you rush through meals or eat on the run. Chew your food thoroughly before you swallow. Avoid carbonated … such as soda and beer. Do not drink through a straw. Keep calm. Tension and anxiety can cause you to swallow air. …
Health topics
… produce hundreds of pimples that cover large areas of skin. How is it diagnosed? When you see a doctor about acne, … often, you won't have any special tests to diagnose acne. How is acne treated? To help control acne, keep your skin clean. Avoid skin products that clog your …