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Health topics
… since the condition may affect muscles used for breathing. How is it diagnosed? A doctor will do a physical examination … have other tests, such as tests to check the spinal fluid. How is acute flaccid myelitis treated? There is no cure for … problems breathing, you may need care in the hospital. How can you protect yourself? You can take steps to help …
Health topics
… happen most often in people with psoriatic arthritis . How is it diagnosed? Your doctor can often recognize … scalp, and nails. Special tests usually aren't needed. How is nail psoriasis treated? Psoriasis of the nail can be … months. New, healthy nails may need up to a year to grow. How can you care for your nails? Soak your nails before you …
Health topics
… inconvenient, but they're not dangerous. And you can learn how to treat them at home. What are the symptoms? Pubic lice … in your eyelashes, your eyes can get crusty or irritated. How are pubic lice treated? It's important to treat pubic … for you. You can also talk to the pharmacist to understand how to use a medicine and make sure that it is safe for you. …
Health topics
… the genitals, in the urethra, or in the rectum or anus. How are they diagnosed? A doctor checks for genital warts by … doctor takes a sample of tissue from a wart for testing. How are genital warts treated? There are ways to treat … decide to treat them because of the symptoms or because of how the warts look. But if you don't have symptoms and are …
Health topics
… causes it? The shape of a newborn's head may be affected by how the baby was positioned in the uterus. It can also be … exercises. They may help your baby turn his or her head. How is it diagnosed? Doctors can diagnose flat head syndrome … some other condition that affects the shape of the head. How is flat head syndrome treated? Your doctor may recommend …
Health topics
… of thick, fibrous tissue and milk glands. You can't tell how dense your breasts are by looking in the mirror or … them. The mammogram report sent to your doctor tells how dense your breasts are. It's written by the radiologist who reads your mammogram. You can learn how dense your breasts are from your mammogram report. There …
Health topics
… include problems with blood flow through the heart and how well the heart pumps blood. If pieces of a tumour break … the blood to the body and cause problems, such as a stroke. How are they treated? Treatment for a myxoma tumour in the … you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Learn how we develop our content . … Overview Myxomas are tumours …
Health topics
… consider the following: Your child's age. Consider how old your child is. His or her bones may still have a lot … parts, the health of the tissues around the joint, and how likely it is that your child will be able to follow a … during the rehab process following a total hip replacement. How long will the joint replacement last? Depending on how
Health topics
… can take a pregnancy test with accurate results depends on how far into your pregnancy you are. And it depends on which … tests detect low levels of hCG in your body. They may show a positive result early during pregnancy, when a home test shows a negative result. How pregnancy tests are done …
Health topics
… or become red and irritated when clothing rubs them. How the growths look can vary widely. They: Range in size … for warts , moles , skin tags , or melanoma (skin cancer) . How are seborrheic keratoses diagnosed? Your doctor will … bleeds. Becomes inflamed and red. Is dark brown to black. How are they treated? Seborrheic keratoses don't need to be …