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3927 results found
Health topics
… your child is vomiting, has pain, or has a swollen belly. How is it diagnosed? Doctors usually can tell that a child has an umbilical hernia by how the belly looks. If your child has a hernia, your doctor … close. Be sure to bring your child in for these checkups. How is an umbilical hernia treated? Umbilical hernias …
Health topics
… markers can be found in other body fluids and in tissue. How do doctors use tumour markers? Tumour markers can show different things about cancer. Tests for tumour markers … diagnose cancer. Tumour markers also can be used to see how far cancer has spread (what stage it is). Doctors can …
Health topics
… the levels of glucose (sugar) in your blood. Find out how eating well and being physically active can help prevent … for families (BC Children’s Hospital) Diabetes in children: Food issues at school Diabetes in children: Counting carbs … Sugar in Adults (PDF, 895KB, Diabetes Canada) Quick-sugar foods Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) in people without …
Health topics
… treatment. Don't be afraid to talk with your doctor about how to control your overactive bladder. What causes it? … to urinate. You may have some or all of these symptoms. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will do a physical … He or she will ask what kinds of fluids you drink and how much. Your doctor will also want to know how often you …
Health topics
… Klinefelter syndrome have language and learning problems. How is it diagnosed? Klinefelter syndrome usually is not … from amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling (CVS) can show when a baby boy has Klinefelter syndrome. So the … when a pregnant woman has genetic tests for another reason. How is Klinefelter syndrome treated? Males with Klinefelter …
Health topics
… have a hard time sleeping and may not feel like eating. How is it diagnosed? If your doctor thinks you are … They cannot afford the cost of doctor visits and treatment. How is depression treated in older adults? As in younger … to help the older adult remember to take the medicines. How can you care for yourself? You can try many things to …
Health topics
… had ACEs? ACEs are common. Most people have at least one. How you are affected by an ACE depends on the type of ACE and how much distress it caused. People who have multiple ACEs … of ACEs and take care of your mental and physical health. How can you reduce the effects? The best thing you can do is …
Health topics
… sore and necrosis develop. Necrosis is black, dead tissue. How is it diagnosed? A brown recluse spider bite is … capture and transport the spider, bring it with you to show your doctor.) Your doctor will ask what your main symptoms are, when they began, and how they have developed, progressed, or changed since the …
Health topics
… you don't expect to, such as between periods or after sex. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask how often, how long, and how much you have been bleeding. You may also …
Health topics
… and size of joints that are swollen. The doctor counts how many large joints (shoulders, elbows, hips, knees, ankles) and how many small joints (the small joints in the wrists, … sedimentation rate (ESR or sed rate). These tests show whether there is inflammation in the body. You may hear …