3927 results found
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… speech, or mental health problems. The symptoms depend on how much Hex A the body makes. How is it diagnosed? If you or your doctor thinks that your … test may be needed to be sure the disease is Tay-Sachs. How is Tay-Sachs disease treated? The focus of treatment for …
Health topics
… hazards could be making you sick, talk to your doctor. How is it diagnosed? An environmental illness can be hard to … that you've been exposed to recently or in the past. Keep a journal of your symptoms, and discuss it with your … may come from residual agricultural pesticides in foods; from household or workplace products used to control …
Health topics
… include: Campylobacter jejuni , which can cause a type of food poisoning. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) , which can cause … away if you think you might have Guillain-Barré syndrome. How is Guillain-Barré syndrome diagnosed? Your doctor will … breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure are carefully tracked. Some people need a ventilator to help them breathe. …
Health topics
… is bad. HDL is called "good cholesterol," because it helps keep "bad" LDL cholesterol from building up in your … Your doctor might suggest that you take medicine too. How can you make changes? You might have to make a few … can help you get started on healthy changes. 1. Eat healthy foods. Here are a few tips to get you started on making …
Health topics
… They have all their senses, like hearing, smell, and touch. How can you help your newborn grow and develop? The most … and interact with you. For example, your baby's eyes will track your movements. And your baby's face will brighten … cord care. Basic care of your baby's umbilical cord is keeping it clean and dry. To keep the cord dry, give your …
Health topics
… doctor or when you need to call for emergency help instead. Keep a written copy of your plan where it's easy to find so … You have emergency symptoms, like severe trouble breathing. How do you use a daily action plan? Learning the zones Heart … weight. Lose weight if you need to. Eat heart-healthy foods. These include vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans, lean …
Health topics
… The way you choose to lower your risk will depend on how high your risk for heart attack and stroke is. It will … to lower your risk. To be heart-healthy: Eat heart-healthy foods. Lose weight if you need to, and stay at a healthy … to lower your risk. To be heart-healthy: Eat heart-healthy foods. Lose weight if you need to, and stay at a healthy …
Health topics
… after birth. Or it may happen later, depending on the drug. How does drug withdrawal affect newborns? Babies born with … is drug withdrawal in newborns treated? Treatment will help keep your baby from getting worse while the drug is still in … wires are attached to machines that help the doctor keep track of your baby's vital signs. These include temperature, …
Health topics
… Weight loss. Swelling in the knees, wrists, or ankles. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will do a physical … 2 to 4 weeks after treatment begins. But you may need to keep taking steroid medicine for 1 to 2 years or even … year after steroid medicine is stopped. Your doctor will track your condition during this time. If you have a …
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… you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Learn how we develop our content . … Surgery Overview In lung …