1584 results found
Health topics
… A plantar wart becomes too painful to walk on. You have diabetes or peripheral arterial disease and you need … A plantar wart becomes too painful to walk on. You have diabetes or peripheral arterial disease and you need …
Health topics
… from diseases that can damage the organs. These include diabetes, uncontrolled high blood pressure, and cancer. If … from diseases that can damage the organs. These include diabetes, uncontrolled high blood pressure, and cancer. If …
Health topics
… Try to keep track of the calcium and vitamin D you get from foods, drinks, and medicines. Check with your doctor about … Try to keep track of the calcium and vitamin D you get from foods, drinks, and medicines. Check with your doctor about …
Health topics
… soon after conception. During pregnancy, it gives the baby food and oxygen. In a normal pregnancy, the placenta is … soon after conception. During pregnancy, it gives the baby food and oxygen. In a normal pregnancy, the placenta is …
Health topics
… and about heart disease in your family. Your doctor will listen to your heart and lungs and will check your legs for … A heart-healthy lifestyle includes eating heart-healthy foods, staying at a healthy weight, and not smoking. If you … A heart-healthy lifestyle includes eating heart-healthy foods, staying at a healthy weight, and not smoking. If you …
Health topics
… an upset stomach, they may need to take the medicine with food. Ask your child's doctor for more ways to manage mild … an upset stomach, they may need to take the medicine with food. Ask your child's doctor for more ways to manage mild …
Health topics
… delivery. It isn't spread through breast milk, sharing food or drink, or casual contact like hugging. What are the … condom every time you have sex. Keep any cuts, scrapes, or blisters covered. If you use drugs, don't share supplies used … delivery. It isn't spread through breast milk, sharing food or drink, or casual contact like hugging. What are the …
Health topics
… that mistakes are learning experiences. Be supportive , and listen to your child's concerns. Allow your child to try to … help make family decisions. Encourage them to eat healthy foods , and emphasize the importance of a healthy lifestyle. … help make family decisions. Encourage them to eat healthy foods , and emphasize the importance of a healthy lifestyle. …
Health topics
… avoid drinks with alcohol. Make sure you are eating healthy foods (especially if you are pregnant) that are rich in … avoid drinks with alcohol. Make sure you are eating healthy foods (especially if you are pregnant) that are rich in …
Health topics
… anemia if you increase the amount of iron in your diet. Foods rich in iron include red meat, shellfish, eggs, and … anemia if you increase the amount of iron in your diet. Foods rich in iron include red meat, shellfish, eggs, and …