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1584 results found
Health topics
… many health problems, such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. A good first step in changing a habit is knowing … drink water instead of high-sugar drinks. Add some healthy foods. Focus on adding healthy food to your diet, rather than just taking unhealthy foods …
Health topics
… is healthy eating? Healthy eating means eating a variety of foods so that your child gets the nutrients (such as protein … If your child regularly eats a wide variety of basic foods, he or she will be well-nourished. How much food is … risk for heart disease , high blood pressure , type 2 diabetes , or high cholesterol later in life. Poor eating …
Health topics
… rare condition related to gastroparesis. In this condition, food stays in the stomach for a long time and forms a hard lump. This causes food to get stuck in the stomach. What causes it? … nerves or muscles to the stomach are damaged or don't work. Diabetes is one of the most common causes. Other causes …
Health topics
… and cheese provide a lot of calcium. But there are other foods that have calcium. These foods include kale, broccoli, and bok choy. You can also get … MD - Family Medicine Rhonda O'Brien MS, RD, CDE - Certified Diabetes Educator Current as of: March 1, 2023 Author: …
Health topics
… she couldn't keep the weight off. She didn't eat enough food, so she was hungry. And she denied herself the food she … from each food group to make sure you balance meals. Make a list of foods that are "worth it" to you to spend the … MD - Family Medicine Rhonda O'Brien MS, RD, CDE - Certified Diabetes Educator Current as of: March 1, 2023 Author: …
Health topics
… are some examples of beta-blockers. For each item in the list, the generic name is first, followed by any brand … for beta-blockers include the following: If you have diabetes, watch closely for symptoms of low blood sugar. … you didn't expect. Medicines may also interact with certain foods or drinks, like grapefruit juice and alcohol. Some …
Health topics
… Checklist for Shoes and Socks That Fit Well On this page: … Overview Choosing shoes when you have diabetes When you have diabetes, it's important to wear … Shoes with roomy toe boxes will help prevent bunions and blisters. Try on shoes while wearing the kind of socks you …
Health topics
… may also be caused by other conditions, like obesity and diabetes. You may have high levels of this fat if you eat or drink too many foods or drinks with added sugar or if you drink a lot of … It's most accurate if it's done after you go without food or drink for 9 to 14 hours (fasting). Triglyceride …
Health topics
… To stay at a healthy weight and prevent disease, Canada's Food Guide recommends that you make it a habit to eat a variety of healthy foods each day, limit highly processed foods, and be aware … your risk of high blood pressure, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. Limit the amount of highly processed foods you …
Health topics
… are notoriously picky eaters. They may only eat a few foods, then abruptly refuse them. Toddlers also have rapidly … your child's nutrition needs are met. Find at least one food from each food group that your child likes. Make sure … MD - Family Medicine Rhonda O'Brien MS, RD, CDE - Certified Diabetes Educator Current as of: March 1, 2023 Author: …