1584 results found
Health topics
… Linda's Story: Getting Active When You Have Prediabetes On this page: Linda's Story Linda's Story Linda … stereo and does dance moves while washing dishes, putting food away, and cleaning the kitchen. "It takes about a … go down that road if I can avoid it." Linda uses Canada's Food Guide to help her make healthy eating choices. She …
Health topics
… fear of gaining weight. They severely limit the amount of food they eat and can become dangerously thin. Anorexia … as dieting, but it gets out of control. You think about food, dieting, and weight all the time. You have a distorted … focused on controlling their weight. They may: Obsess about food, weight, and dieting. Strictly limit how much they eat. …
Health topics
… your heart work better, and help you live longer. Take a list of your medicines or bring your medicines with you when … generic name for your medicines. Have your doctor check the list. You can use this list to make sure that the medicines you get from the …
Health topics
… new cells. It's made by your body. It also comes from food you eat (meat and dairy products). Having high … make it more likely. These things include eating too much food that contains saturated fat and having family who have … health problems. Managing other health conditions, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, can help keep your heart …
Health topics
… with any medicine so that you keep your stomach empty. Diabetes If you have diabetes, your doctors may need to adjust your medicines to … Talk to your doctors about the type and severity of your diabetes, as well as which medicines you are taking. General …
Health topics
… found in some grains, notably wheat, barley, and rye. Some foods and food products may contain gluten even when it is not specifically listed as an ingredient. The following foods and food …
Health topics
… disease? Celiac disease is a problem some people have with foods that contain gluten. Gluten is a type of protein. It's … (a wheat-rye cross). When you have this disease and you eat food with gluten in it, the gluten triggers an immune … Syndrome (IBS) Lactose Intolerance Osteoporosis Type 1 Diabetes Current as of: March 22, 2023 Author: …
Health topics
… condition. For example, if you have kidney disease and diabetes, you might focus more on the diet guidelines for … healthy eating. Nearly everyone needs to: Eat a variety of foods. Get plenty of fruits and vegetables. Choose whole … healthy eating. Nearly everyone needs to: Eat a variety of foods. Get plenty of fruits and vegetables. Choose whole …
Health topics
… am I taking it? Do I have any new allergies to medicines, foods, or other substances? Yes ___ No ___ If yes, fill in … as instructions about monitoring my blood sugar if I have diabetes? Yes ___ No ___ Are there any new treatments or … am I taking it? Do I have any new allergies to medicines, foods, or other substances? Yes ___ No ___ If yes, fill in …
Health topics
… study area that says "Stop, slow down, and think." Make a list of your child's daily responsibilities. Periodically remind your child to look at the list. Have your child check off the items as they are completed. Review the list with your child at the end of the day. Praise your …