1584 results found
Health topics
… tooth pain when you touch a tooth or when you eat or drink foods that are hot, cold, sweet, or sour (a sensitive … jaw. Viral infections, such as shingles . Diseases, such as diabetes . Nerve-related disease, such as trigeminal … tooth: Apply clean gauze and continue with the steps listed below. Rinse the tooth. Rinse the tooth gently with …
Health topics
… (chronic) health problems like high blood pressure or diabetes, then your chances of having those problems … do get an illness, choosing to be active, to eat healthy foods, and to learn how to deal with stress can slow down or … started. Do something you enjoy, like a favourite hobby or listening to music. Meditate. This can help you relax by …
Health topics
… activity on most days of the week. Eat heart-healthy foods. Heart-healthy foods include fruits, vegetables, high-fibre foods, fish, … for good. Manage other health problems. These include diabetes and high cholesterol. If you think you may have a …
Health topics
… triggers. Keeping track of what you do every day—the foods you eat, the stress you feel, the weather, and other … this may be a trigger that you can control. Eat healthy food on a regular schedule. This may help prevent headaches. … triggers. Keeping track of what you do every day—the foods you eat, the stress you feel, the weather, and other …
Health topics
… heartbeat. Prescription NSAID pain relievers. Certain diabetes medicines. How to avoid medicines that can make … worse. Here are some tips for how to avoid them. Make a list of your medicines. This includes prescription medicines and over-the-counter medicines. List any cold and influenza (flu) remedies, pain relievers, …
Health topics
… the liver and heart and lead to other diseases, such as diabetes and arthritis . Hemochromatosis can be treated to … steps to make sure you are not getting too much iron in food or drinks. Limit or do not drink alcohol. If you drink alcohol, you absorb more iron from food and raise your risk of liver damage (cirrhosis). Do not …
Health topics
… you can stay on a gluten-free eating plan. Don't eat any foods that contain gluten. These include foods made with wheat, barley, rye, or triticale (a … frozen, or canned meats. Be sure to check the ingredient list on processed meats like hot dogs, salami, or deli meat. …
Health topics
… You may lose weight gradually if you can't eat enough food or if your body can't absorb all the nutrients from the food you eat. Pain in your mouth. Sores or a yeast infection … well as it should. This increases the chance you will get diabetes. You may have more fats in your blood, including …
Health topics
… by changing their diet and easing stress. No specific foods cause everyone who has IBS to have symptoms. Many … find that they feel better by limiting or eliminating foods that may bring on symptoms. Make sure you don't stop … getting all the nutrients you need. Foods most commonly listed as causing symptoms include: Cabbage. Onions. Peas …
Health topics
… designed for you and supervised by doctors and other specialists. They provide education and support to help you build … and vegetables, fish, and high-fibre grains and breads. Eat foods low in sodium (salt) and saturated fat. Stay at a … likely to have high blood pressure, heart problems, and diabetes. These conditions make a heart attack more likely. …