1584 results found
Health topics
… to lower your risk. To be heart-healthy: Eat heart-healthy foods. Lose weight if you need to, and stay at a healthy … if: Your LDL cholesterol is 5.0 mmol/L or above. You have diabetes and any of the following is true: You are age 40 or … to lower your risk. To be heart-healthy: Eat heart-healthy foods. Lose weight if you need to, and stay at a healthy …
Health topics
… tongue, your neck, or your teeth. Your mouth may be dry, or food may not taste right. You may have bad breath or a sore … include: Sores, such as cold sores (also called fever blisters) and canker sores . Canker sores form inside the … more often with other conditions and diseases, such as diabetes , Down syndrome , and HIV (human immunodeficiency …
Health topics
… things include: High cholesterol. High blood pressure. Diabetes. Smoking. Being overweight. A family history of … quitting smoking, being active, eating heart-healthy foods, and staying at a healthy weight. … quitting smoking, being active, eating heart-healthy foods, and staying at a healthy weight. …
Health topics
… more of this important nutrient into your diet. Know which foods have potassium. Potassium is in many foods, including vegetables, fruits, and milk products. … 940 mg of potassium in one serving. Potassium may not be listed on all food labels. Add some high-potassium foods to …
Health topics
… during pregnancy, such as high blood pressure , gestational diabetes , or pre-eclampsia . Caesarean (or C-section) birth … baby needs you to eat a well-rounded diet. Don't cut out foods or go on any type of weight-loss diet. How much weight … "eating for two," you don't need to eat twice as much food. In general, pregnant women need to eat about 340 extra …
Health topics
… includes taking steps to quit smoking, eat heart-healthy foods, get regular exercise, and stay at a healthy weight. Manage other health problems such as diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. Also, … at a healthy weight, not smoking, and eating heart-healthy foods. Managing other health problems, such as diabetes, …
Health topics
… vegetarian diet. Besides not eating meat, vegans don't eat food that comes from animals in any way. That includes milk … diets. Some people think it's wrong to use animals for food. Not eating meat is an important part of some … levels. Are less likely to get: High blood pressure. Type 2 diabetes. Prostate cancer. Colon cancer. The health benefits …
Health topics
… sign of preeclampsia (toxemia of pregnancy). A person with diabetes has a seizure. Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) or … are treating you know that you have epilepsy. It will also list any medicines you take to control your seizures. That … People on a ketogenic diet have to eat mostly fatty foods, such as butter, cream, and peanut butter. Foods such …
Health topics
… may affect your anesthesia care. Tell your anesthesia specialist about your health history. This includes any other … problems. If you have sleep apnea, be sure to let the specialist know. Tell the specialist if you are pregnant or if you … pulmonary diseases (COPD). Airway abnormalities. Obesity. Diabetes. Sleep apnea. Neuromuscular disease, such as …
Health topics
… Yes Red streaks or pus No Red streaks or pus Do you have diabetes, a weakened immune system , peripheral arterial … Pay attention to your diet. Eat a variety of healthy foods like vegetables and fruits, whole grain foods, and … Making the Most of Your Appointment Blisters Finger, Hand, and Wrist Problems, Non-Injury Insect …