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2328 results found
Health topics
… object, situation, or distressing thought or memory. During this type of counselling, you may relive a traumatic … thought. But you do it while in a controlled environment. During this type of therapy, a counsellor helps you while … the physical and emotional distress that you may feel during this experience. You confront and learn to cope with …
Health topics
… feeding tubes to be used if you are no longer able to take food or fluids by mouth. This is known as artificial … your body in the final weeks of life reduce your need for food and water. You will likely not be thirsty or hungry. … can answer questions about treatment and what to expect during the dying process. The team can also help with …
Health topics
… If your work exposes you to chemical fumes or dust, use safety equipment to reduce the amount of fumes and dust you … may have trouble talking in full sentences or breathing during activity. Severe chest pain occurs, or chest pain is … If your work exposes you to chemical fumes or dust, use safety equipment to reduce the amount of fumes and dust you …
Health topics
… having any cancer treatment. Having the testicles shielded during radiation therapy. During treatment, use birth control . Radiation to the … If you are having chemotherapy, you need to use a condom during sex because your semen may contain chemotherapy …
Health topics
… Overview Overview Hormonal changes during pregnancy can affect how your hair looks and feels. … But in some cases, hair may become more limp and lifeless during pregnancy. Hair may appear on other parts of your … body, such as your belly, face, or back. This is normal during pregnancy. After pregnancy, your hair's growth cycle …
Health topics
… Get some hand weights or stretch bands. You can use cans of food as weights if you don't want to buy weights. Use an … Get some hand weights or stretch bands. You can use cans of food as weights if you don't want to buy weights. Use an …
Health topics
… like getting enough sleep, eating a variety of healthy foods, and being active. Work on healthy ways to manage … like getting enough sleep, eating a variety of healthy foods, and being active. Work on healthy ways to manage …
Health topics
… such as biking or jogging. You may want to avoid fatty foods for a while. They can cause symptoms like diarrhea or … such as biking or jogging. You may want to avoid fatty foods for a while. They can cause symptoms like diarrhea or …
Health topics
… or send a text or an email. You might offer to drop off food or go for a walk with them. Staying in touch shows that … or send a text or an email. You might offer to drop off food or go for a walk with them. Staying in touch shows that …
Health topics
… can lower your risk. This includes eating heart-healthy foods, being active, staying at a healthy weight, and not … can lower your risk. This includes eating heart-healthy foods, being active, staying at a healthy weight, and not …