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2330 results found
Health topics
… time, you would also put 50 mg. When to take. Put how often during the day you need to take the medicine, such as 3 … time, you would also put 50 mg. When to take. Put how often during the day you need to take the medicine, such as 3 …
Health topics
… do some in the morning and some at night. You can exercise during commercials while you watch TV. It's up to you. … do some in the morning and some at night. You can exercise during commercials while you watch TV. It's up to you. …
Health topics
… Over the past month, have you had to get up to urinate during the night? Give a score to the number of times. 0 … Over the past month, have you had to get up to urinate during the night? Give a score to the number of times. 0 …
Health topics
… a kidney, her risk for pre-eclampsia or high blood pressure during a pregnancy may be higher. Donating an organ can … a kidney, her risk for pre-eclampsia or high blood pressure during a pregnancy may be higher. Donating an organ can …
Health topics
… and walk several laps inside. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after you are active. This is very important … and walk several laps inside. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after you are active. This is very important …
Health topics
… may help you communicate with and support your teenager during a time of uncertainty and change. Stay connected. Go … may help you communicate with and support your teenager during a time of uncertainty and change. Stay connected. Go …
Health topics
… or nurse They help with building up your strength during recovery and rehab. While you are in the hospital and … or nurse They help with building up your strength during recovery and rehab. While you are in the hospital and …
Health topics
… the chest, such as being hit by the steering wheel of a car during a crash, and conditions that are present at birth, … the chest, such as being hit by the steering wheel of a car during a crash, and conditions that are present at birth, …
Health topics
… for the antibodies or antigens to be found in your blood. During this period, an infected person can still spread the … away, and then you may not have other symptoms for years. During that time, the virus will multiply in your body and … away, and then you may not have other symptoms for years. During that time, the virus will multiply in your body. I'm …
Health topics
… erection problems, lead a healthy lifestyle—eat healthy foods; be active; and don't smoke, drink too much alcohol, … erection problems, lead a healthy lifestyle—eat healthy foods; be active; and don't smoke, drink too much alcohol, …