3981 results found
Health topics
… it? Most of the time, tennis elbow is caused by overuse. You probably got it from doing activities where you twist … pain on the outer part of the elbow. The pain usually starts gradually and may go away within 24 hours after an … applying ice or heat several times a day for 1 to 2 weeks before you call your doctor. Examinations and Tests To …
Health topics
… it difficult to get to the toilet. Encourage the person you're caring for to use the commode on a regular schedule … and a damp cloth or wet wipes. Wash and dry your hands well before you get started, and have gloves available in case you need to help …
Health topics
… and non-prescription medicines can cause confusion or make you less alert. A few examples are: Antidepressants. … control problems (anticholinergics). Contact your doctor before you stop taking or reduce the dose of a regular … If you are taking one of the above medicines or recently started a new medicine and are having problems with side …
Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview Pregnancy starts a new phase of your relationship with your partner. You can expect a … expect. Some couples find it useful to see a counsellor before or after the birth. It helps them make a healthy …
Health topics
… drug misuse. "It was like everything was just dead … that you're going to die today, the kids are going to die … the … after he came home injured from his military service. He started drinking heavily. He had nightmares and … into an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting again. "I'd been to AA before, but this was the first time I was willing to do …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview If your child's fever is over 40°C (104°F) , contact your doctor. Before you give a sponge bath to a child who has a fever, … too quickly. Sponge for 20 to 30 minutes. Stop if the child starts to shiver. If your child doesn't like the sponge bath …
Health topics
… have only mild thinning that is noticeable only to them. Your doctor will be able to tell you whether hair loss is an … hair will begin falling out within a few weeks after the start of treatment. Your hair may fall out gradually or in … choose a wig or hairpiece: Shop for your wig or hairpiece before you lose a lot of hair so you can match your natural …
Health topics
… bathes can depend on their condition and their wishes. If you can, try to let the person choose when they bathe. To … Preparing for a shower When you help someone take a shower, start by gathering materials. You will need: Face cloths or … for them to manage. Wait for any standing water to drain before helping the person safely get out of the shower. Give …
Health topics
… page: Health Tools Cause What Increases Your Risk Symptoms What Happens When To Call Exams and Tests … in your urine or stool. Symptoms often are most severe before and during your menstrual period . How is it … 28 days. Your menstrual flow is longer than 7 days. You started menstruation before age 12. You have never been …
Health topics
… artificial surface is used to line the back of the kneecap. Your doctor may use regional anesthesia . This means you … work, your doctor may recommend that you have it done before the surgery. Infections can spread from other parts … about whether you can do more strenuous activities. You'll start rehabilitation (rehab) right after your surgery, …