3981 results found
Health topics
… of physical activity per week. Some people may need to start with shorter sessions (10 minutes) and then gradually … test with ECG monitoring as part of a medical evaluation before beginning an exercise program. If the exercise … a step-by-step guide for discussing physical activity with your patient based on the time available (1 minute, 5 …
Health topics
… Epilepsy: Taking Your Medicines Properly Actionset Overview You may be taking … How to take your medicines properly Here's how you can get started taking your medicines properly. Make a medicine plan … a list of medicines to avoid. And check with your doctor before taking any medicines on this list. Get organized …
Health topics
… to be active in blocks of 10 minutes or more throughout your day and week. Exercise can improve your posture, … it's always a good idea to talk to your doctor or midwife before you start an exercise program. Stay at your pre-pregnancy level …
Health topics
… cell disease . It's usually considered only for children younger than 16 who have severe complications from the … is replaced with healthy bone marrow, a person's body may start to produce normal hemoglobin . Stem cell transplants … (donor). This is called an allogeneic stem cell transplant. Before the transplant, bone marrow stem cells are taken from …
Health topics
… time to hold it in place without cement. The top end of your upper arm bone is shaped like a ball. Muscles and … work, your doctor may recommend that you have it done before the surgery. Infections can spread from other parts … Rehabilitation (rehab) after a shoulder replacement starts right away. It's not too demanding early on, but it …
Health topics
… On this page: Health Tools What Increases Your Risk Lowering Your Risk Symptoms What Happens When to … parts of the body. The most common type of breast cancer starts in the ducts of the breast. It's called ductal … But early breast cancer is often found on a mammogram before a lump can be felt. The size, shape, or appearance of …
Health topics
… illness. But it can also be an opportunity for them to start taking more responsibility for their own health. Part … is and what the shots and blood sugar meters are for. You can help your child by working with the doctor or … tell them when your child usually needs snacks—for example, before, during, or after exercise. Your child can eat …
Health topics
… throat. A less common but more serious type of nosebleed starts in the back of the nose. It often involves both … Large amounts of blood may run down the back of the throat. You will need treatment from a doctor to control bleeding … with a decongestant nasal spray like oxymetazoline (Afrin) before applying pressure may help stop a nosebleed. Be safe …
Health topics
… from the blood. To find out how well dialysis is working, you will have blood tests that look at the level of urea in … blood. Usually these tests are done once a month, at the start of your session and again at the end. Two of the … blood urea nitrogen (BUN) level. The BUN is measured before and after your treatment session. Then the two …
Health topics
… the bones—it is still called prostate cancer because it started in the prostate. What are the symptoms? Possible … prostate cancer may include trouble urinating or pain when you urinate. Symptoms of metastatic prostate cancer may … and sometimes biopsies. If you've had prostate cancer before, you'll likely be having regular PSA tests . Other …