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Health topics
… side effects can be a problem or can be serious. If you're having problems with side effects, talk to your … than younger adults. You may notice side effects when you start to take a medicine, change the dose, or stop using the … things you can do to prevent and prepare for side effects. Before you take any medicine, talk to your doctor or …
Health topics
… vein blood clot. After a while, this blood clot (usually in your leg), can damage the vein. Damage to the vein can lead … program to help relieve PTS symptoms. Talk with your doctor before starting a new exercise program. Your doctor might recommend …
Health topics
… will try to destroy the new organ. These medicines weaken your immune system and make it harder for your body to … Corticosteroids You get a dose of a steroid medicine before your transplant. These medicines include prednisone … the donor organ. They may also be used again if your body starts to reject the donor organ. They are often used to …
Health topics
… spinal stenosis is changes in the spine that can happen as you get older. These changes include thickening of soft … This is what causes pain and other symptoms. It usually starts gradually and gets worse over time. Symptoms may stay … exercise, and physiotherapy, for a period of time before ordering imaging tests. If treatment works, you may …
Health topics
… page: Health Tools Cause What Increases Your Risk Lowering Your Risk Symptoms What Happens When to … of the body. But usually prostate cancer is found early, before the cancer has spread outside the prostate. What … as: Not being able to urinate at all. Having a hard time starting or stopping the flow of urine. Having to urinate …
Health topics
… It Go: Getting Past Negative Emotions On this page: Getting Started Getting Started This info is about letting go of … the effects of abuse, violence, or other trauma. If that's you, you still might find some tips here that you can use. … going to change the situation." Or "I've felt this way before. Feelings come and go, and this one will pass too." …
Health topics
… Overview Managing the amount of carbohydrate (carbs) you eat is an important part of planning healthy meals when … insulin to the number of grams of carbs in a meal. Getting started Carbohydrate counting means keeping track of how … Check your child's blood sugar level often. If you check it before and 1 to 2 hours after a meal, you will be able to …
Health topics
… pain in an arm or a leg. Usually the pain is in a part of your body where you had surgery or an injury. The pain is … you had. Some people may not have had an injury or surgery before the pain started, but most people have. CRPS can happen to anyone at …
Health topics
… On this page: Health Tools What Increases Your Risk Lowering Your Risk Symptoms What Happens When To … colon polyps turn into cancer. But most colorectal cancer starts in a polyp. This cancer is also called colon cancer … through routine screening tests, they can be removed before they do. What are the symptoms? Colorectal cancer …
Health topics
… much or not enough work or doing work that doesn't satisfy you. Conflicts with your boss, co-workers, or customers are … or ergonomic problems, can cause stress. How to get started Any job can have stress, even if you love what youyou know whether it is you or the job that's the problem. Before you quit, spend time thinking about other job …