3979 results found
Health topics
… first while after giving birth it may be difficult to pee. You may also find it hard to tell when your bladder's full. Here's some advice that can help. Try … prevent your bladder from getting too full. If it's hard to start peeing, or if it stings, pour warm water over your …
Health topics
… Home treatment may help to reduce cancer pain and improve your physical and mental well-being. Talk to your doctor … with mild to moderate pain from cancer. Talk to your doctor before trying either heat or cold during chemotherapy or … with your emotional and mental health. Talk to your doctor before you increase your level of activity. Medicines Many …
Health topics
… to make too many myeloblasts. Myeloblasts are a type of young white blood cell. They usually become mature, … those young cells don't mature like they should, they can start to grow abnormally and out of control. Then they can … controlled. Use pain medicine when you first notice pain, before it becomes severe. Eat healthy food. If you do not …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview If "practicing mindfulness" makes you think of yoga mats and stretchy pants, you're probably not alone. But mindfulness is a tool for … maybe the beat triggers your fingers to tap along. If you start by mindfully listening to a song you know well, try it …
Health topics
… Reducing the Stress of Caregiving On this page: Getting Started Getting Started Caring for a … is to manage stress by seeking support and taking care of yourself. Managing stress is especially important when you are a caregiver, because stress can weaken your immune …
Health topics
… colitis, can cause diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps. You may get C. diff colitis if you take antibiotics. C. diff also can be passed from person … dehydrated. Symptoms usually begin 4 to 10 days after you start taking antibiotics. But they might not start until a …
Health topics
… is the first 10 weeks of pregnancy. Pregnancy begins when your egg joins with a sperm (fertilization) and attaches to the lining of your uterus. You may start noticing signs as early as 5 weeks. You may start to …
Health topics
… pale, tingle, and feel cool or numb. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor can usually diagnose a broken collarbone by asking you questions and examining you. Your doctor will check: The … when it is safe to begin to exercise or play sports. If you start too soon, the broken collarbone may not heal well. To …
Health topics
… treatment with medicines, such as zidovudine (ZDV). If you are exposed to HIV on the job, talk with someone who specializes in treating HIV. He or she can help you weigh the pros and cons of treatment to reduce your … exposed to. If you do have treatment, your treatment should start as soon as possible after exposure and no later than …
Health topics
… works in one of two ways: It lowers the amount of hormones your body makes. It blocks the cell receptors. This keeps … (Femara). GnRH agonists or LH-RH agonists. They stop your ovaries from making estrogen. They include: Goserelin … Side effects of surgery Removing your ovaries makes you start menopause, if you haven't started it yet. Menopause …