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Health topics
… This can help them feel more independent when having meals. You can help by encouraging the person to eat whenever they … best. Offer those foods when you can. Preparing for a meal Before the meal, there may be some things you can do ahead … few things to try: Cut or shred the food into small pieces before serving. Use canned or cooked fruits and vegetables …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview Wash your hands often and prepare foods properly to reduce the … machine. Wash raw fruits and vegetables under running water before eating them. Marinate foods in a covered dish in the … salami and dry-cured ham. Scrape the mould from the surface before using. Cheeses made with mould (such as bleu and …
Health topics
… It is best to use the rubber bulb to clean the baby's nose before feedings and before the baby goes to sleep. To use a rubber bulb … up the mucus . Squeeze the round base of the bulb with your thumb. Gently insert the tip of the bulb tightly inside …
Health topics
… Listening to Your Kids On this page: Overview Overview Remember being a … that you listened. Try to understand what they mean before speaking. When the time is right, be curious. Let kids fully explore and express their feelings before you respond. Resist the urge to quickly judge or …
Health topics
… Overview As people get older, their lower eyelids sometimes start to droop away from the eyeball. Drooping is the result … that control the eyelids. Drooping eyelids may cause your eyes to become dry and irritated. And they can prevent tears from draining normally, so tears may run down your cheeks. This tearing can also be a sign of increased …
Health topics
… is more common in children than in adults. Focal seizures start in a specific, often damaged area in the brain. But … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means that you agree to the …
Health topics
… Information Overview It takes a lot of repetition to teach young children about the dangers of streets, cars, and other … cars. Make a habit of checking under and behind your car before you drive. Closely supervise children while they are … crosswalks. Reinforce looking left, right, and left again before crossing the street. Teach your child to walk facing …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview You usually can continue breastfeeding your child if you become pregnant. If you breastfeed while … the fourth month of pregnancy. The breastfeeding baby may start weaning naturally around this time. Related …
Health topics
… Information Overview A caesarean delivery may delay the start of breastfeeding . You may be sleepy from medicine or in pain from the surgery. Try breastfeeding your baby as soon as you are able. Ask whether your baby can …
Health topics
… important to have a blood test to detect syphilis while you're pregnant. Treating it during pregnancy greatly … the baby's risk of getting infected. If it's treated before the 16th week of pregnancy, the baby usually won't … early or be infected with syphilis. Or the baby may die before or shortly after birth. If syphilis isn't treated …