3979 results found
Health topics
… They gradually loosen as they fit higher on the leg. If your doctor recommends compression stockings, wear them … the day to help relieve symptoms. For very mild symptoms, you may want to start out using over-the-counter compression options. These …
Health topics
… Assess Your Tobacco Use On this page: Overview Overview Whether you want to think about kicking your tobacco habit or not, … my weight. I have a cigarette or chew tobacco when I start feeling restless. By looking at how tobacco has become …
Health topics
… Floaters are small spots or specks that "float" across your field of vision. Before a migraine headache, flashes of light or zigzag lines … may occur with other symptoms. If you have had floaters before, or if flashes of light are part of your diagnosed …
Health topics
… Headaches Learning Center Learn about headaches Does your head hurt? Most people get headaches at least once in awhile, but not all headaches are the same. How you treat a headache depends on the type of headache you … them. For more information, browse our headache topics or start with these: Headaches Migraine Headaches Tension …
Health topics
… cut. Cord blood banks freeze the cord blood for storage. If you want to save the cord blood, you must arrange for it ahead of time. It's not a decision … Private cord blood banking is expensive. You will pay a starting fee plus a storage fee each year for as long as the …
Health topics
… when a baby is born and takes a first breath, blood starts to flow through the lungs. The foramen ovale usually … can lead to problems such as a stroke. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask you about your health history. You may also get some tests. …
Health topics
… baby is having a hard time latching on to the breast, ask your doctor, midwife, or lactation consultant for help. To find out whether you have flat or inverted nipples: Place your thumb and … consultant is usually able to help you and your baby start breastfeeding if your nipples stay inverted. In some …
Health topics
… Like other complementary medicine therapies, healing touch starts with the idea that people are naturally healthy. The … is difficult to study using scientific methods. Risks You can safely use healing touch along with conventional medical treatments. Talk with your doctor about any complementary health practice that you …
Health topics
… may be caused by a variety of health problems. Some people start coughing when they breathe very dry, heated air. This … allergies. This type of cough may be more noticeable when you first turn on your furnace in the fall, because dust and other irritants …
Health topics
… Information Overview A shoulder and neck massage can help you relax, reduce muscle tension, and reduce stress. You will need a friend to exchange massages. Use these steps … muscles on either side of the neck next to the shoulders. Start with very little pressure, then squeeze harder. Work …