3981 results found
Health topics
… possible after an injury, such as a knee or ankle sprain, you can relieve pain and swelling and promote healing and … to the skin. Place a towel over the cold or heat pack before applying it to the skin. Also, ice after any … to the skin. Place a towel over the cold or heat pack before applying it to the skin. Also, ice after any …
Health topics
… milk thistle, must be reviewed and approved by the NNHPD before they can be sold in Canada. Always tell your doctor if you are using a natural health product or if … milk thistle, must be reviewed and approved by the NNHPD before they can be sold in Canada. Always tell your doctor …
Health topics
… Emotions and Fears On this page: Overview Overview When you have cancer, you may have a lot of different feelings, like anger, … Maybe you'll see one or two ideas you'd like to try. Start a journal. Writing about things that bother you may …
Health topics
… in daily life. In the short term, stress can help you perform better under pressure, but constant stress can pose problems for your health. Stress causes the release of cortisol, the … stress Look closely at your habits, attitudes and excuses Start a stress journal. Ask yourself: What causes you to …
Health topics
… and promote healing. What To Expect After a root canal, your lips and gums may be numb (frozen) for a few hours … heart defects . These people may need to take antibiotics before and after a root canal. Current as of: … heart defects . These people may need to take antibiotics before and after a root canal. Current as of: …
Health topics
… called De Quervain's, is a problem that makes the bottom of your thumb and the side of your wrist hurt. When you have de Quervain's, the ropey … in a few weeks with home care. Your doctor may want you to start some gentle stretching exercises once your symptoms …
Health topics
… Valley fever is a disease caused by a fungus that gets into your body through your lungs. It can make you feel like you have a cold or … rash. The time from contact with the fungus until symptoms start is usually 1 to 3 weeks. This is called the incubation …
Health topics
… know exactly what causes myofascial pain syndrome. It may start after: Strain or injury to the muscles, ligaments , or … in areas such as the low back, neck, shoulders, and chest. You might feel the pain or the pain may get worse when you press on a trigger point. The muscle may be swollen or …
Health topics
… to diagnose diabetes. footnote 1 Criteria for diabetes You will be diagnosed with diabetes if you meet one of the following criteria: You have symptoms of … is between 7.8 mmol/L and 11.0 mmol/L (2 hours after you start the test). Your hemoglobin A1c result is 6.0% to 6.4%. …
Health topics
… the thalamus that controls some involuntary movements. Before surgery, detailed brain scans using a CT scan or an … side of the brain affects the opposite side of the body. If you have tremor in your right hand, for instance, the left … the thalamus that controls some involuntary movements. Before surgery, detailed brain scans using a CT scan or an …