3981 results found
Health topics
… saying. Trouble communicating can be very frustrating. When you talk to someone who's had a stroke, be understanding and supportive. You might get helpful tips from their stroke rehab team. … some examples. Speak directly to the person. Don't address your questions to a companion, even if that person is an …
Health topics
… skills, and other medical treatments. These programs teach you how to care for your back and how to prevent reinjury. If you have long-term pain, they teach you how to manage your …
Health topics
… Serving On this page: Overview Overview You can help prevent food poisoning by taking precautions … the case during summer picnics.) Chill leftovers as soon as you finish eating. Store leftovers in small, shallow … that is contaminated. Reheating does not make it safe. If you are not sure how long a food has been in the …
Health topics
… Assessing Your Asthma Knowledge On this page: Overview Overview Understanding asthma can help you control your symptoms and reduce your risk of asthma attacks . The …
Health topics
… in the first few hours right after the injury. If you decide to use heat and you notice that the swelling increases, stop using heat and … after an injury may help restore and maintain flexibility. You can use a hot water bottle, a heating pad set on low, or …
Health topics
… Testing positive for sickle cell trait doesn't mean that you need to have treatment or make changes in your activities. But in some cases, a person with sickle … exercise, overheating, or being at a high altitude. If you exercise intensely or are a competitive athlete, there …
Health topics
… fractures of the spine. The procedure can return your vertebrae to a more normal shape. Your doctor may numb the area, or you may get medicine to make you sleep. The doctor makes a …
Health topics
… Overview Digestive conditions are problems that affect how your body digests food. Common examples include diverticular … and other digestive conditions. Fibre-modified diets If you have a digestive health condition, you may need to change your fibre intake to manage symptoms. …
Health topics
… Calcium and iron supplements. Opioid pain medicines. If you think that the constipation is caused by a medicine: For … medicines, call the doctor who prescribed it to see whether you or your child should stop taking the medicine or take a …
Health topics
… most ACL injuries , with or without surgery. It'll help you regain normal range of motion and flexibility in your knee. Rehab programs also strengthen the knee and the muscles around it, leading to better knee stability. Your doctor or physiotherapist will design a rehab program …