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3981 results found
Health topics
… updated November 1, 2016 One way to see how much progress you’re making in your physical activity is to measure the amount of effort it … time, the amount of effort it takes should decrease. Once you’ve reached this point, you can gradually move on to more …
Health topics
… surgery is not commonly used. But it can be an option if you still don't ovulate after you lose weight and try fertility medicines. Ovarian … or other small incisions in the pelvic area. What To Expect You will likely go home the same day and can do your normal …
Health topics
… part on the type of tear and how bad the tear is. Work with your doctor to plan a rehabilitation (rehab) program that helps you regain as much strength and flexibility in your knee as possible. Your rehab program probably will …
Health topics
… that can range from mild to severe. What causes it? As your body ages, the discs between the bones of the spine … worse in the morning and get better throughout the day. You may also have a headache. If bony growths are pushing against a nerve root or the spinal cord , you may have numbness, tingling, weakness, or an aching, …
Health topics
… time, but it's worth the effort. It can help the person you're caring for stay healthy and feel clean. Clothes and … handle them with care and wear gloves. Hold them away from you, and keep them from touching clean surfaces or other clean linens. If you can't wash dirty clothes or linens right away, store …
Health topics
… methods of spinal fusion. Bone is taken from elsewhere in your body or obtained from a bone bank. Or sometimes … new bone grows between them. What To Expect After surgery, you will have a short hospital stay. Bedrest usually isn't needed while you recover at home. Your doctor may recommend that you wear …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview When you touch a light switch to turn on a light, you may receive a minor electrical shock. You may feel tingling in your hand or arm. Usually, this …
Health topics
… for more information about how to treat the burn. When you call the Poison Control Centre, have the chemical container with you, so you can read the contents label to the Poison Control staff …
Health topics
… implants are shaped like crescents or half-circles. After you get local anesthesia , two implants are inserted in each … to be permanent. But they can be surgically removed if you are not happy with the results. What To Expect Surgical … implants is done on an outpatient basis. This means that you do not have to stay overnight in the hospital. The …
Health topics
… Overview Fat is one of the major nutrients. Fats give you energy. They also help your body absorb vitamins A, D, E, and K. Some fats are … fat is liquid at room temperature. This fat is better for you than saturated fat. It is found mainly in safflower, …