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3981 results found
Health topics
… day for several days, then take the completed records to your doctor. This information will help you and your doctor see how often you leak urine and what seems to …
Health topics
… Fibre-optic pharyngoscopy is a procedure that allows your doctor to look into the upper part of your respiratory system . He or she may use it to help decide how to treat your obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). You remain awake during …
Health topics
… fractures of the spine. The doctor will make a small cut in your back and insert a hollow needle or tube. When the … The cement mixture will get hard in about half an hour. You will likely go home the same day. You may take some pain medicine for a few days. How Well It …
Health topics
… and is transported correctly. Do not move the person if you think he or she may have a spinal injury unless there is … head and neck supported and in a straight line while you move him or her to a safe place. Do not remove the … other emergency services to transport the injured person if you think he or she may have a spinal injury. This will …
Health topics
… Overview Overview There are things you can do while shopping to help prevent foodborne illness … that has a tear in the package or is leaking. Pick up your refrigerated and frozen items at the end of your shopping trip, so they are unrefrigerated for a shorter …
Health topics
… not apply any pressure to the eyeball. Clean the cut. Wash your hands and wear gloves if they are available. Wash the … from the wound. Bandage the cut. Use a sterile bandage if you have one. If you don't have one, use a clean bandage or cloth. Don't use …
Health topics
… ) and vertigo . Hearing usually returns to normal after you stop taking the medicine. But some medicines can cause permanent hearing loss even if you stop taking them. Commonly used medicines that may cause … cancer. Hearing-related side effects are more likely when you take two or more of these medicines at the same time. …
Health topics
… Common symptoms include pain, pinching, and stiffness when you raise your arm. These symptoms are often brought on by doing … movements. Pain from bursitis or a tendon injury can keep you from moving your shoulder. Over time it can lead to …
Health topics
… that helps make a task easier. These tools can help you hold objects, open and close things, or walk. They can … osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis make it hard for you to do your daily tasks. For example, you may find it hard to type …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview When you are not breastfeeding, fluid leaking from one or both … are: Non-spontaneous discharge. This occurs only when you press on your nipple. It is usually normal and occurs in the majority …