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… Overview What causes abdominal gas in babies? Some people have problems digesting milk protein or … (lactose intolerance). But these problems are very rare in babies. Until your doctor can evaluate your baby, it is … if the crying is intense, can swallow extra air. Position. Babies may trap intestinal gas while lying on their backs. …
Health topics
… Cues and Behaviours . Why does my baby hiccup so much? Many babies have frequent hiccups, which can be quite loud. … breastfeed. Should I smoke if I am breastfeeding? Breastfed babies are healthier than formula fed babies - even if you smoke. It's best if babies are not …
Health topics
… A baby born early is called preterm (or premature). Preterm babies are sometimes called "preemies." Why is preterm birth … feedings may help reduce spitting up. If you see signs of reflux during or after feedings, such as spitting up a lot, … feedings may help reduce spitting up. If you see signs of reflux during or after feedings, such as spitting up a lot, …
Health topics
… may also be called during your labour and birth. Babies born at home A midwife can provide labour support for … through the public health office and in your community. Babies born in hospital A nurse and your midwife (if you …
Health topics
… can occur in anyone of any age. But it's most dangerous for babies, small children, and older adults. Dehydration in babies and small children Babies and small children have a greater chance of becoming …
Health topics
… A multiple pregnancy means that there are two or more babies in the uterus. A pregnancy of twins or more is … than in pregnancies of one fetus (singleton pregnancy). The babies in a multiple pregnancy may be identical or fraternal. Identical siblings Babies that come from the same egg are called identical. …
Health topics
… disease screening is a quick blood test for all newborn babies. It can detect a number of rare disorders - allowing for early treatment. About one in 750 babies born in B.C. has one of these rare diseases, which … a home birth, your midwife will do the screen at home. When babies have procedures such as blood tests or injections, …
Health topics
… Independence Stage Coupling Stage Parenting: Babies Through Adolescents Empty Nest: Launching Adult … cycle are: Independence. Coupling or marriage. Parenting: babies through adolescents. Launching adult children. … and your friends to now include your spouse. Parenting: Babies Through Adolescents Making the decision to have a …
Health topics
… causes it? Thrush occurs when a yeast grows out of control. Babies get thrush because their immune systems aren't strong … tongue. They look like cottage cheese or milk curds. Some babies may be cranky and may not want to eat. Adults may … be tested for that condition. How is thrush treated? In babies, thrush is usually treated with prescribed antifungal …
Health topics
… to work. When resuscitation doesn't work or isn't done, babies get care that makes them comfortable instead of … Talk to your doctor about this. How many of these babies survive being born? The more premature the baby is, … what will happen in your baby's case. How many of these babies have problems later on? In the first year of life, …