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Health topics
… is surgery to take out the spleen. You may have your spleen taken out because a disease made it get too big. Or maybe your spleen no longer works as it should. The doctor also may remove the spleen if it was damaged in an injury. Your surgery may be done through one large cut (incision). …
Health topics
… of temporal arteritis (also called giant cell arteritis ), your doctor may order a temporal artery biopsy to make sure. … points along an artery . To test for giant cell arteritis, your doctor may have a surgeon take a sample of a blood vessel on your temple and test it for inflammation . If a temporal …
Health topics
… Overview Overview You can work with your doctor to decide if you want your mitral valve repaired or replaced to treat mitral valve … of the mitral valve. The risks of the procedure or surgery. Your personal feelings are just as important as the medical …
Health topics
… Read and follow all instructions on the label. Do not give your child more than the maximum dose recommended on the … much acetaminophen can be harmful. If you give medicine to your baby, follow your doctor's or pharmacist's advice about what amount to …
Health topics
… and activity level. Babies' hands and feet may feel cool to your touch but that does not mean they need to be dressed … 3 or 4 days, or if it appears to be getting worse, or if your child develops a fever, contact your doctor right away. When you or your child has a rash, …
Health topics
… that don't create much waste (stool). This diet slows down your bowels and gives them a chance to rest. Fibre is the part of plants that your body can't digest. It gives bulk to your diet and helps you feel full. It also helps you have …
Health topics
… cause injury. Following some basic safety measures can help your child have fun and play safely. Find playgrounds that … they can safely sit in the middle of a standard swing. Help your child be safe when on the equipment. Have your child use both hands on the swings. Don't allow more …
Health topics
… to person. Having an impaired immune system may increase your chance of getting this rash. What are the symptoms? … pink, red, tan, brown, purple, or grey-black, depending on your skin colour. The patches often have fine scales and may itch. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor often can tell if you have tinea versicolor by …
Health topics
… active and spread to others from time to time throughout your life. What are the symptoms? The most common symptoms … weak. Mono can also cause pain in the upper left part of your belly, which may mean that the spleen is enlarged. … after you're exposed to the virus. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask you questions about your symptoms and …
Health topics
… penicillin allergy is an allergic reaction that occurs when your body's immune system overreacts to these antibiotics. … and slowly increase how much you take. You do this under your doctor's supervision. This lets your immune system "get used to" the medicine, and you may …